$1K in ties

Alright so my new obsession is digging for ties! And through all of it I have gathered over one thousand dollars of ties with things from Dior, Versace, Black Fleece and Gold Bar Donald Trump ties... it is so much fun just going to the market and grabbing new ties. I'm super disappointed in myself because I've skipped over ties and looking back they are worth prolly $200 each... just gotta figure out the sauce list

New Hobbies
-Magic The Gathering
-Kicking dogs that try to bite me on the bike
-Tie digging
-speaking texmex spanish
We had a crazy party for the Mexican independence day. Tons of people. Little kids getting married. And the best tamales you will ever have.

Also by bike is flipping itself inside out. My hydraulic brakes have almost leaked all the way out so I can barely stop. My front tire destroyed itself and when I bought a tire from Walmart that one was already broken so I gotta return that boy.
We stayed up til 1am playing the most wicked game of monopoly you will ever witness.
I got a magic the gathering deck and I can't wait to go and play with another Elder in the zone who has lots of cards as well.
I'm just trying to survive. I'm in so much physical pain, my knees are feeling like dog turds from biking everyday constantly and my chest is not improving. At least I'm learning how to cook better.
Other than that there really isn't much to write home about because it's all starting to be repetitious and same old, with crazy people, people flaking, Baptisms and meetings. Hopefully some fun stuff happens soon.