6 month mark

Bienvenidos a todos! I have hit my 6 month mark meaning I am ¼ of the way through my mission. I've only had a couple of crippling anxiety attacks but you win some you lose some.
We start with a jank day being that we are moving and we are cramming ourselves into this tiny 4 man apartment. That's because the temple sisters are coming to our area and there are some weird pieces of area changes that we just needed to do to work the area successfully.
Some family we were talking to, their son got shot in the head 3 times by his wives brother and he got murked. But that's apparently normal over here.
I gut checked myself on the bike (I slammed into my handlebars) and threw up.
I hit my 6 months today.
I got an airport gun with 550 fps
We got to have lunch with the new sisters
I hate biking. 6 plus hours a day in the brutal texas heat of 100⁰+ with mad humidity. My wee legs hurt
L day. Talked with bot peoples
I kicked the shiz out of this dumb mf dog. He was chasing me on mu bike so I obliterated him in hims head.
We set a goal as a mission to baptize 100 people this month. I'm Supa hyped for all of it and I can't wait. During this meeting Elder Dutson bore his farewell testimony and while he was talking thunder was rumbling so hard. And only for his talk so that was awesome.
We went to a baptism today and the person being baptized had to go down 6 times because she was scared to go under. And no one knew how to play the piano so during the intermission I played interstellar during the baptism...
It rained while we were on the bikes. Yay. And I only talked with crazy people
I translated English to Spanish today during an MPL and that felt awesome.
We had some bussin burgers for lunch with some members.
I'm sorry I can't write a whole ton I'm just fried and writing is not my specialty.
Anyways I love yall and stay safe!