
Let's start this off by clarifying I am sunburned and dead tired as I am writing this so please. Be nice and don't take note of any mistakes I may make in my writing.
We had such a lazy p day today and it was so nice to just do nothing all day and just relax. But for family night tonight it was so epic because it was Patricia's birthday! (Context: Patricia is Jeff's girlfriend but they don't understand each other. As in Jeff only speaks English and Cia only speaks spanish....) and Magno came as well!! It was so cool because during family night everyone that could speak Spanish sat by Cia and she just got to talk all of her feelings and pent up words out. It was epic. And afterwards she had a piñata and it was so epic

We had ZLC today and it was super epic. We basically just had a reesthood session. We played some Yu-Gi-Oh and that was super sick. And later throughout the day we found a big ol mirror then we decided to bring home AND I saw an R33 GTR which is so ebic.
LouAnn is totally ready to be baptized and the other thing I have to say is that Baptism is binding yourself to God not just promising him some things.
I put in the word "Spanish" in my notes and I honestly have no idea what that was indicating towards. BUT LouAnns baptism is completely set up and we are just counting down the hours so we can get her all set up and bring her to Christ! And we were helping out LouAnn and cleaning out her storage and so we were finding all of the artifacts that's she was just keeping. So one of them being an antique music box from Japan and another thing we found was a military issued knife from Vietnam.
I am finding so much joy in marking my scriptures it's honestly so ebic. And I'm finding so much hype in finding and teaching people it's so sweet. And TacoBell has new items! They are honestly so sick. Also what the freak is Molé dude it's so weird. It's chocolate chicken basically and I didn't know if I wanted to scarf it all down or just munt it all right there. Brother shepard vanished... we called him because we wanted to see how everything's going and he just said he was on vacation. And he moved all of his membership records.
I cooked such a gas meal oh my goodness. It was some tacos with either fish or chicken, then I added some mushrooms, bell peppers, onions and Chipotle sauce. Today was LouAnns baptism and it was so epic. Everything went so perfect. So many people showed up that people had to stand all the way on the back to see her and visit her and that really makes me happy.
Today LouAnn was confirmed and it was such a cool experience. And afterwards everyone went to talk to her and it's so cool to see everyone come over and be her friend. And later throughout the day we went by some members for a lesson and it went so well! And later the dad gave us all 4 bags of fish. Two pots to fry them. 2 quarts of oil. And a bunch of fish fry breading. What. He just dumped it all on us and just kept going. But I'm super sad because I gave my marked book of mormon away to someone so they could read it.... also mad problem right now. I can't breathe. My ribs are hurting so bad and breathing is just painful...
ANYWAYS! It was super sick to write this letter and go ever the events of this last week
Love yall, stay safe and hydrated!