Bean Factory

Finished with our lessons early in the day and had some to time to kill and miles to burn before our next big block in the schedule so we decided to go to Edroy. Which is this tiny buttscratch town with a population of 600 and TONS of abandoned buildings. The biggest one being the Bean Factory... this massive warehouse with what seems like millions of moldy beans just all over the floor and in the walls. Parts of it looking like the rust map from MWII. It would be the exact same almost if it had sand. After looking for an entrance for a little bit we find this big open door and we walk in with mounds and mounds of these beans all over the please. Only to see this single cotton plant sitting in the middle of this open warehouse. Its a cotton plant... man I walked around this thing for like 30 min wondering about the abandoned bean plant in the middle of Edroy. So lame.
So there is this one dirt road on some back roads on the way to taft. Just like Welsaco. There is no speed limit. So we get to ripping down this road at around 60 mph with the windows down and God's Country blasting. Then I see it. A Pot hole. I would have been just fine if I had held my speed, I could have just glided right over it but no. I decided to hit the brakes and smack this John at about 40 MPH sending my knees straight into the dash and setting off the Tiwi telling me I got an "Airborn Warning". Do I regret it? A little. Would I do again? Probably just faster.
The Brant family is so sick! I didn't have the chance to start producing music but they took us out to dinner. Which normally they already feed us basically every night but they told us to get in the car and we'll leave the kids and go somewhere nice. So we got in and went to the A1 steakhouse in Portland and this place was EXPENSIVE. I got one of the cheaper items on the menu which was Fried Butterfly Shrimp with some cajun fries. That John cost 20 bucks... the Brants are loaded and can easily afford it. Because Jade didn't even look at the check and just paid for it. He also told us a billion times how we shouldn't worry about the cost because they live "comfortable" so A1 steakhouse in Portland is super nice. Go if you have the chance.
We had the super neat opportunity to go and do baptisms as a branch at the McAllen Temple. It was a super quick drive and an awesome experience. There wasnt enough priesthood so Allred and I did all of the baptisms for our group.
I also had the super sick chance to go on exchanges with Rockport. I went down wednesday night and had the chance to go back and see all of the super awesome members. The Burkheads, LouAnn, Sister Ramos and Margie. I miss these guys so much and I'm so happy to be able to see them again. We had some awesome conversations and being able to catch up was super nice. I dogged on that branch while I was there but it is easily my favorite.
So on thursday I think we pull up on this squad of Niños and we talk with them and start looking for snakes in their yard. These guys have been taught by missionaries in the past but got dropped because the parents aren't down to listen so we just extend the invitation to come to church and then dipped. Sunday comes around and we see a van pull up we don't recognize and then all 4 of these niños file out of the van and then walk up to the church. Then mom just drives off. It was definitely a miracle having there seeing as everyone else dipped last minute.
So we go to the gym every morning but my shoulders and knees have been killing me so I can't really move a ton of weight and I also feel like I'm gonna have a hernia whenever I squat. So I've been playing basketball. At first it was super sad because I couldn't make a shot for the life of me. After a few weeks tho of just shooting I started to make more and more shots. I actually got the ball return to work again so now I don't need to run up and grab the ball everytime I shoot. I've started to make super clean shots back to back without the ball ever touching the rim. I've tried running a little more to help strengthen my knees. I'm just super happy to share that because on Pday as well I played my first basketball game in a year and smoked everyone.
To put simply. Im vibing.