
Good news bad news type beat for this little blip that I'm writing today. Good news my ganas are going back up! My motivation is finally moving back north and I'm feeling great! Kicking myself in the butt to get into gear. We found this super awesome and elect family of 8 and all of the kids are dying to be baptized! I don't think I have the heart to tell the youngest 3 that they are just too young

. Everyone else is begging to read and to pray and the parents are just so supportive. Bad news they had strep this week and werent able to come to church. But they WILL be getting baptized and I will do everything I can to ensure it.
My Chest has been acting up recently. Ive had to stop working out as much because the tension on my pecs feels like it's pulling my chest in and just crushes all of my organs. So kinda like what was happening last year but slightly worse. Who knoe I might finally get the Nuss Bar Surgery

I've been playing a bunch of Magic: The Gathering recently and have been super hyped to play with everyone. Im gonna try to play a game of Juggernaut this week and see how it all unfolds.
We had the awesome chance to go to the temple and do endowments. I recieved some much needed revelation and assurance to help me feel like I'm headed on the right track. I also recently heard a statistic where 1 out 6 missionaries go inactive after coming home. Fun fact I won't be one of them. My foundation is firm.
So our little apartment became a four man. The area I was in while in corpus shut down and then they moved in with us so now we got 4 of us in this lil house.
Ive been out for 21 months with 14 weeks left
I love y'all stay safe