
Simply put. I am very frustrated. Too much is happening and I'm losing my mind. I just need to rub some dirt in it though. And if my mission has followed any patterns so far next transfer should be lit. Stay tuned for how this one goes. I'm not going home yet. I just broke 200 days left so I've come too far to give up now. But lets roll the clip.
I tried helping this cat the other day because it was wicked hot and it was dying. So I had to get it in the shade and pour all of my water on it and help clear some gunk out of its nose. After finally getting it to cool down I helped it walk again and had to force feed it water so it could cool down. We ran out of time there so unfortunately we had to go but when I came back the kitten had died

. Definitely a lot better that it died because home boy was STRUGGLING. Respiratory problems and heatstroke don't go well together.
There is another cat tho that isn't dead. It's our neighborhood cat named spit. She is very pregnant and loves us so much.
Im going insane. Its wicked hot. My comp can't process when its hot out no one is outside so he thinks we just arent trying hard enough. So he puts most of our finding time during the HOTTEST hours of the day. I'm gonna get heat exhaustion. Or rip someone apart.
I saw a chick with a beard the other day, that was weird.
Everyday is getting worse. I can't enjoy the missionary work if my comp drives me insane and makes me want to implode my lungs. That was presidents biggest complaint to me is he thought I wasn't enjoying the work. Before I was doing awesome! Now I actually don't enjoy it. He's fine as far as lessons go but literally anything else he does drives me insane. He's an ROTC kid so everything needs to be exact and his way of thinking is so inefficient that it ends up getting in the way of any other schedule we have put down. He also has to be right everytime which he almost never is. There was a member that said you get one free punch on your comp but then you have to go home. And I think about that often. I recharge socially and this kid is the complete opposite of what I need. I've heard the same stories about 80 times. Remember last time I was here and hated my comp? Yeah same thing. The same problems but on the complete opposite side of the spectrum. Still obsessed with magic the gathering and has nothing to contribute to in conversation besides that. He uses text to speech for everything he does which is very annoying. An obsessive clean freak. Expects me to pay for all of his stuff which is never going to happen and he knows it, but because we're comps we need to "share everything and put our resources together'. No. He's very socially awkward and is so rigid when he talks to people but he also thinks hes the ish because he went to ROTC and knows about planes. Even in contacts he puts himself above the people we're teaching because we're missionaries. Yes it is the true church but don't belittle other people because of that. And he does this thing where he flashes the lights every morning and it pisses me off so fetching bad. I need an emergency transfer. He is a Military Molly Mormon. Fun is not an option here. If you aren't %1000 percent concecrated you failed. I understand obedience brings blessings but let me pet a cat or throw sticks in a river or something. I just hate everything and do not want to be with this dude anymore. Fetch this. Also can't walk in a straight fetching line and runs into me all the time and grannies my driving always. Dinner hours cannot go late otherwise we are unconsecrated and we failed. If we aren't out working the second we're supposed to he freaks out and starts stressing. Also has to point out EVERYTHING. I'm just sick of it and its only week 2.
I need a Pday so mf bad. Just to be with real people for a few hours. I've been praying and pleading with God to help me have charity and patience but lets just say I'm very weak. Good thing I learned about myself is that I get very irritated in the mornings and hate everything. Nights are much better for me.