El Bautismo

Guys! Things are looking up! Lets start with my favorite thing first. We finally got our truck! It is a dark blue 2024 Toyota Tacoma SR5! We have given him the grand name of Doc, short for Doc Hudson. Because he's the same color. It's twin turbo'd and an absolute tank! Takes off road like its nothing and it actually has a turbo flutter. That noise is just celestial choirs to my ears. Definitely loving hooning this thing around and now no road stops us.
New nickname I have earned is Mapache or pache which means "Racoon" mainly for the dark spots under my eyes and my progressive insanity the darker it gets. I also just love racoons.
So I think I mentioned this last week but when I was here last I baptized part of this little family and just barely on saturday we baptized someone else in this family and his name is Jacob. We are all super mega homies and we bool pretty hard whenever we go over.
P Days at this point are my lifeline. I just need to make it to P Day before I go 100 and just start hitting people. If I didn't have those chances to let loose and talk with real people I would have gone insane and hated this transfer so much.
Speaking of this transfer, I am a little more than Half way through with this one. Then hopefully I get to train. That is my only goal during this time is to train. I want to help bring someone into the mission and not make the same mistakes that I have, so they can be troopers and help this work even further.
I've been coming across a lot of baby birds recently, I found a baby sparrow when it was just barely growing its feathers and a few days ago I found a baby humming bird that had to have been no more than a few days old.
Super cool lil bit and testimony of the power of prayer. We lost our house keys, which also had the church keys on them. So we panicked and after searching the entire house 2 or 3 times. I decide to say a prayer so we can find them. Then boom. There they were sitting right in our back door which we have never used this transfer. Just chilling in the lock. Prayer is powerful.
So our little neighborhood cat was super pregnant. I say was because while I was taking a nap my comp snuck the cat into the house and into his bathtub and then Spit (the cat) gave birth to 5 lil nuggets. Why did he bring them into the house. No clue. He's really weird. So now I also have my sheets bloodstained and covered in baby juice. Why he that was a good idea. I dont know. He's really getting on my nerves.
I have been going through a tough stretch and I'm not performing at maximum mentally because of some limits and restrictions that this bit has put in front of me. But I just keep keeping on. Praying and begging and studying more than I have in my life to help me turn this frustrating companionship into a strong bond of friendship. And it's been working. I'm not as depressed and I find it easier to talk to him now about things that get on my nerves and he's turning out to be a decent guy. Would I hang out with him after the mission, probably not. Do I like him, no. But I'll try my best to get along with him the best I can. The inspiration I've been sent definitely gave me the motivation to talk about what was bothering me and be able to turn it all for the better through Christlike love and not just yell at him cause he bugs me. He still gets on my nerves but through keeping the grindset strong, we are now very strong when it comes to teaching and finding and are about to have my 19th baptism today (Saturday) because we've been able to get along. I'm very thankful for the trials that have been happening that I may be able to grow from them and understand people around me more. Still don't like them in the moment tho. (I wrote this before he took my sheets and covered them in gross fluids.)