Enjoy it while it lasts

Well last week I gave y'all a pretty meaty email and hopefully I can do the same this week.
As y'all may know we switch out frequently and move areas for transfers. Elders get 16 transfers and sisters get 12. On wednesday a new transfer just begun. I am now on my 14th transfer... I'm getting real old. With 4 months left I don't have enough time left. There are still so many skills I would like to refine. At the beginning of my mission I was dragging my feet, just wanting to get over it. Now I don't want to leave. It all went by so quick but it's also the only thing I can remember doing. Time is running out and I want to stay. I actually have to start thinking about growing up and being truly independent. I don't want to but c'est la vie. I'm excited but not ready. Good thing I've got 4 months to prep myself.
Also remember when we went to go get ties and didn't end up getting too much. Well we tried again. We didn't get 120lbs of ties like the other elders did but we did get around 30 lbs. And boy was it legendary. I was able to pull the most saught after tie in the whole mission. Louis Vuitton. In mint condition it makes it 1 of 4 of all of the missionaries here. As well some other missionaries were able to get, Christian Dior, Charvet, Brioni, Fendi, Zegna and many other italian designer ties.
We had a mission wide conference where everyone came to the chapel on La Vista, where of course I brought my Louis Vuitton to show off and flex. Nothing really happened or flipped my tie until the first break. We're all in the bathroom waiting for a urinal to use. Then someone flips my tie and says "HE'S GOT A LOUIS!?" Like every cartoon youve every watched every head turned at lightning speed straight towards me and the silence was deafening. Then everyone shoved there way to flip my tie and see if it was real. Then people started throwing out trade offers left and right like a betting table being over run. Gucci, Prada, Brioni, Versace. Other insanely rare ties being put out on the table, someone offered me 10 Gucci Ties for it. Let me just say. I thought I enjoyed attention, but when it's overwhelming and in a bathroom that reeks of sweaty Elders and piss, I'd rather not.
The other boys in our district are my favorite people ever. We have started this tradition where we every sunday when we weekly plan and discuss our people we plan together. After we plan we cook carne. And this week we had some expensive fajita and pollo rojo which was absolutely delicious.
I love you guys so much and can't wait to see you guys. Get your season pass for Sundance. I'm ready to rip it once more.