Home MTC week 1

DUDE! This is honestly the most strained I've been mentally in my entire life. I've been learning Spanish and trying oh so hard to retain that information but it is super difficult when you keep mixing French and Russian in with the language. I am able to say a full prayer and bear my testimony. A little shaky and slow but I can still get my point across.I figured out that my neighbor Kayden Jensen is also in my branch so I'm not gonna be totally out of place. The way they have branches and districts organized are kinda weird but I think my District is the best ever. Sadly not everyone in my District will be going to McAllen with me but the majority is so that's good. In my district I have Elder Larsen (My companion) Elder Frei ([pronounced Free] my second companion) Elder Waldo (serving in mexico) Hermana Green (Colorado Fort Collins) Hermana Glazier (DC South) Hermana Humble (California Los Angeles) Hermana Davis (Texas McAllen) Hermana Pollard (Texas McAllen) and Hermana McDonald (Texas McAllen) Mi distrito es el mejor y los amo mucho!I have figured out that I really like to draw and I'm getting pretty good at it. I've been doodling around and trying to find what style I like best and I think I've figured it out. I drop a couple pictures for y'allMy schedule is just like every other missionary. Wake up at 6:30 and give yourself a little time to be lazy for a bit. Have a fun little planning session with your companion(s) and prepare for your day. After that you go out and eat some breakfast to really get started and get going. Then you've got your companion study where you go over the prework for the day and the lessons you may be teaching. You get a fun little 15 minute break in between that and your First Class. The first class is about 4 hours long and that is just preparing you for a mission lifestyle. After that 4 hours you get a little break for lunch then some free time before a devotional with all the at-home Missionaries, once that ends you get around 15-30 minutes of free time before an hour of language study which is actually a lot of fun. I'm so lost during the middle of it but then I leave feeling very confident with what I learned. The last class of the day is 3 hours and where we apply and practice teaching people as a missionary. It goes from 7 to 9 every day and it is very draining sitting in a chair all day and taking notes on everything that anyone says. The spirit I feel coming out of these lessons and discussions are totally worth it though! Right now it's just a repetition of classes so nothing too wild but once I'm in the MTC and the field I get ready for some wild stories!
¡Me gustaría compartir mi testimonio! yo se eso Jesucristo Vive y él es mi salvador y redentor y eso nosotros somos hijos de dios y la iglesia es verdadera y eso tenemos viviendo profetas hoy. Yo se eso Dios es nuestro padre celestial y Jose Smith es un profeta de dios. Yo se eso a través de la expiación de jesucristo puedo tener la vida eterna y nos podemos arrepentir a través de la expiación de jesucristo. Yo se eso Dios habla a sus hijos a través de la oración. yo se eso las familias son eternas y por medio del evangelio de jesucristo somos bendecidos. Yo se eso Dios responde a nuestras oraciones. Yo testifico de estas cosas en el nombre de Jesucristo, Amén.