
So starting off with the emergency transfer from my last email (I'm sorry I missed a week, there is a valid excuse) I got moved over to Portland with Elder Terry because of me losing my wallet a while ago. Ive already got all of my forms filled out and sent in to the DMV to get my license sent out, now its just the waiting game. It's been fun tho. We're trying to be diligent and work hard without being robots. So were still having fun.
Now for the exciting stuff. We all get a blip on our phones. EMERGENCY NOTICE: CODE RED. There is a cat. 4 hurricane headed right for us and we have 36 hours before it hits. In this time we help everyone board up there windows. We didn't pross all day we just put up boards the whole time. Someone did take us out to go get some sushi which was probably the coolest thing ever. It was really good and she apparently is a millionaire with artwork of hers inside of the smithsonian. So that's crazy. At the end of the day we are at the Brant's (as usual) getting ready to stay the night because their house is built like a bomb shelter. When the AP's call us. "Get on the road right now. Pack enough clothes for 3 days and get down here!" So we apologize to the brants, eat some food then make the drive to McAllen at 9 o clock. Pounding energy drinks and popsicles to help us stay awake. We don't arrive to the senior missionaries apartment until 12:30 and we just get there and crash. The next morning we go to church, chat with other missionaries and just wait. Wait for our areas to be destroyed. A day passes then right when it should hit. It diverts north into Houston. So much for nothing. It rained for like 20 minutes over there and thats it. By the time we drive back up there is no trace that rain even passed through. I wanted a good story...
Elder Terry and I have formed our own "gang". The Portland Tunnel Rats. Or the Trats for short. Basically what we do, is we talk with an accent from new jersey and crawl in all the tunnels we can. It's super fun and were waiting for all of the rain from a few days ago to dry out so we can to some tunnels weve marked to go explore.
Elder Terry plays magic the gathering as well and its super sick. He's not annoying when he plays and he's actually good at the game. So it's a challenge to win and I need to think to fit his play style. It's a lot more thinking than chess IMO because anything is possible always because you can't see their full hand and you need to preserve yourself while attacking as much as you can. Terry makes the game hard. But that's what makes it good.
Im tired and hungry. Eggs and sriracha sounds really good right now.