I am still alive

So not really starting off the week with this but still the biggest thing on the list is we had a big service project where we helped set up barricades for a 5k/10k. It was fun just chucking fences all around the place and setting up cones until we were super far away from where we started and we get a call. "Elder Miller they're gonna tow your car!" Dude what. So I had to run about a mile to get to our car so they don't tow it. We were parked legally, there were no signs saying we couldn't. A police van showed up and just said they wanted their way and didnt care about us. If yall didnt know the corruption over here with the police is wicked. This is a very minor example but they were gonna tow our car because they wanted our parking spot.
I made a lil challenge to eat 5lbs of Jell-O. I did it in 48 hours.
I found spits kittens. They are doing good actually. Strong healthy kittens are now running on our roofs.
I realized I don't really share spiritual things in my email but I want to share my testimony. I know Christ lives. I know of his atoning power and how powerful it is. I have relied on it daily as I fight the natural man (and he is a strong bugger). I know that even though we have our trials Christ has a perfect plan for us in mind as long as we endure and when we ask God for blessings, we RECIEVE. It is a perfect Gospel and I wish to lives these standards my whole life. I know that I am a son of God. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I will admit. I am trunky. I want to go home. But I think thats because I'm back in the exact same area again and I've been here forever and just want some change. Hopefully my next area can clear my mind and help me get the grind back on.
I'll see you in space cowboy
Elder Miller