I can't stop strangling kids.

First of all there are these lil chamukos we are trying to teach but we can't get them to pay attention to anything, I hate it.
But hey on the bright side I have all of my magic the gathering that came. I'm building a couple of commander decks and having some good and great fun!
I've been picking up every coin I see on the ground and I've been averaging around $1.20 every day from coins so that's super ebic!

I had the best tasting hamburger taco things ever! I almost started crying because of how good they were.
Unfortunately I was not able to go to the card shop last P day but we went to the mission office and picked up my packages and all my cards so I'm still okay with that.
I'm finally adjusting to the work and 2 years don't feel like they should be too long, but we'll just have to see what my test results look like

I've had to slow down the rate at which I'm working out because yes I am getting stronger but everything is hurting. I should've been more careful and less stupid growing up
Thank you everyone for the support that I've been getting. I love yall so much take care and know God loves you!
The Miller