I have no creative name for this week

Today I went on an exchange with Baker and found this absolutely massive spider. It was the size of my palm and after further investigation it turns out to be a banana spider. So if you've never seen one before, look it up. Even if you have arachnaphobia. While I was on this exchange with Baker, Elder Powell was with the Greenie Gardiner. They went home to sleep after the day was done and the AC wasn't working at all.... they got home and it was 94 degrees in there... yikes. While on our side we had AC and got to play Yu Gi Oh!
Guess what, back to back exchanges. Except this time, the ZL and I are going back to the infernal apartment. But we'll get to that in a second. Starting off the exchange we went to raising canes and I got a Post Malone cup. Today we met a lot of people and talk with a whole bunch. We met an English witch who somehow had her car running without a battery.... witches man. As we are rounding out our day and thinking about how hot it is gonna be in the apartment, we get a phone call. The landlord has decided that we aren't sleeping there tonight and bought us a Hotel for a night while they fix it! So Rhineer and I got to spend the night in a hotel with a big ol bed, free breakfast, gym and the best feature a 68⁰ bedroom... ahhhhh.
Woke up after sleeping like a princess. That was truly amazing and just some of the best sleep I've ever had. It just keeps getting better as well. We had a massive breakfast and got to use the gym to get one of the sickest workouts in. And just chill during daily planning and wait in there until checkout. After we had to sadly depart from this wonderful blessing Rhineer said that that was only happiness. Imagine what Joy will be like in the celestial kingdom. I'm excited. We then made the drive back to our comps and said our goodbyes. Later throughout our day a member gave us a bazillion snacks and we met someone from vivint who was actually awesome. Turns out he went to Orem high-school and knew all of my friends from Timp and my LaCrosse team as well! He just knew everyone in Orem which felt nice to hear family names that I grew up with and I'm not entirely alone out here in Texas.

I spent like 30 minutes of my morning trying to sew a button back onto my pants that popped off and it sucked. I poked my fingers a lot.
One of the people we found let us come back to teach and that was today. He has a serious problem when it comes to alcohol but he said he wants to be better because he knows it's killing him but he just likes beer too much. Keep in mind this man is drinking almost 200 oz of beer everyday. That's bad. So we tried to teach him and help him understand there is a way out.
We talked to a man with the thickest Jamaican accent you will ever hear.
During family night, Bill, prayed for WWE super star Liv Morgan and her Mom. I will never understand this man.
Today was just puro bikes. We biked for probably 15 miles.
While we parked at DQ some doofus blocked our car in so we couldn't leave. It was totally intentional because there was 8 other spaces in the parking lot. We wanted to call the cops but with expert driving skill we made it out.
Remember that homie we taught yesterday? The alcoholic. Yeah I promised he would be destroyed. He said he wanted to be better and improve, but he didn't even try to slow down the drinking at all. So after trying to explain that this will kill him, he just said. "I'm not scared of dying." Which he obviously was. You can't be macho on us mate when you only have one eye and an alcohol addiction. As he continues to argue that drinking only hurts himself and he will still go to heaven, I told him, "if you keep drinking and do not stop. You will be destroyed" I've never met a threat before with the spirit. Kind of fun but also made me feel bad because I know he's not gonna change and I honestly think he might die soon because of the Alcohol.
It's too daggum hot. Inside the chapel the AC went out and it was 92 degrees in there... it was so hot that they canceled second hour and just sent everyone home. I don't blame them.
We visited one of our friends today and he peed his pants while we were talking to him.
Last but not least I solved a 5x5 rubiks cube with no help and puro problem solving skills. Me and my IQ of 6 are going places.
Wrap up
I'm sorry I got this out late family night was hectic. A lot more so than normal but it was good. I also got new yu gi oh cards and I think I might be done. I have enough to make me happy.
But yeah I love yall so much, take care and be grateful for your cold weather.