I met a terrorist

Alright this was by far a stressful and busy week but the miracles prevailed overall! And I've got a lot of stories for yall. So buckle up pumpkins and get ready!
MondayToday was our Pday. I'm super glad to actually have p days with our whole zone and it's making it so much easier to unwind socially. But during this p day I cut my hair, and Elder Bodners hair which I'm actually very proud of. Also during one of our games we were playing I accidentally domed E. Frei with a soccer ball right in the face... and later in the night we played black magic and everyone loved it! Makes me so happy to see that people enjoy being around me.

TuesdayToday was pretty epic, especially because we did some service and we did exchanges with the ZL's so I got to be el jefe for a day or two. But during these two days of immense power I taught a fire lesson with someone and they got put on BD which was legit. And later in the day we went to a members house to help them out and she insisted we take snacks with us for the road. Which ended up turning into trick or treating for the day. One of the daughters came out and wanted to show us her gaming righ and it was honestly insane. High end parts with the RTX 3070ti and a Ryzen 5 5600X and Trident Z ram and just the best stuff it was awesome. But later the mom told us that her daughter isn't social at all and tried to court us which was definitely awkward... after that we ended the night by preparing for president to come over and do interviews which is super swag.
Wednesday We went to interviews with Presidente and to do ZRP or zone role plays which was super fun to see everyone again. I asked president a ton of questions about music and how to be the best missionary I can which was super epic and he had me read a talk about being what's called the "fourth missionary" or a consecrated missionary and I'm trying my best to work in that section lol. After the meetings we swapped back to our original comps and had a normal day. BUT I FOUND FROGS! They are so freaking epic. But the one thing that is passing me off. Is one of the local leaders.... this man. He is saying that the people we are teaching have no potential. And we aren't good missionaries which is just making my blood boil. All my respect has been lost.

ThursdayOne of our friends is starting to relapse and we've decided to drop him for a little bit. BUT one of our friends LouAnn said that if she prayed and got an answer that the BoM is true that she would get baptized so that is so freaking hype! We had a meal with bro Richardson and he made us chicken gizzard stew... which was cooked chicken gizzard on top of dry ramen.... And another person we were teaching said that she couldn't come to church because she doesn't have any gas money. But I felt the spirit so strong and I promised her that if she attends church every week and is involved in the discussions that she would never have to worry about gas again in her life. The spirit was so strong and Elder Powell felt the strength of it as well. And to end the day we met a man who loved to say the N word and swear. This man also said he loved killing people in the army and that he would shoot up a school if his nephew was taught anything about gay people....
FridayLouAnn is on BD! She prayed to know the truth of the book of mormon and got the answer she wanted! We couldn't find our friend isaiah later in the day but his dad really wanted to learn and we taught him the resto! Just miracles all around right now. My comp is starting to warm up to me and that's definitely helping with the comp unity. Also fun fact there was a shooting not to far from us and that was epic.
SaturdayThis day was just jank. Today we went by this guy and he just started to bash like none other so we dropped doctrine on him and he was not having it. So Elder Powell said "what authority do you have to change the word of God!" And this man just shut up and the spirit testified. We found our friend Mike wandering the streets and we were able to help him get back home. Later on we played Yu-Gi-Oh and that was ebic. And my confidence is skyrocketing and my social anxiety is starting to fade. We helped sister finish building her fence and we heard her conversion story which is so cool! I won't share because of privacy reasons tho...
SundayLouAnn showed up to church 30 minutes early and guess what!? She was reading the book of mormon! She is so elect and I'm so proud of her. Her testimony of God and Jesus is really starting to grow. We went over to the Hofheins for dinner and we gave Magno a blessing which is exactly what he was needing and it was so sweet! And all the kids had the opportunity to go to FSY and they LOVED it! I'm so happy to see others grow their testimonies. And happy fathers day!! To end this email I have been able to practice my French and Russian and learn a little Mongolian through Facebook teachings so I have been sending our referrals like hot cakes. And it's been an amazing week. Lots of ups and downs but it's been sweet.
Stay safe I love yall