I propose a challenge.

Not a whole plethera of stuff happened this last week but there are still some highlights. So I'll try my best to remember them and write them all down.
Starting strong with probably the biggest event here. I was dared after P-day ends and we were all driving home to eat 50 chicken nuggets... in 15 minutes... and momma raised a soldier so there was no way I was about to slip up on this. If I completed this challenge then Allred would pay for my next meal. Means I'd only pay 5 ish bucks for this and the rest would be paid off. So I took the challenge. 50 spicy chicken nuggets all dipped in ghost pepper ranch sauce. I was off to the races the second we pulled out of wendys. 1 nugget, 2 nuggets, 3 nuggets, 10 nuggets, 20, 25, 30. I was cruising with only 8 minutes left and 10 nuggets to get through. But I was already full to the brim. My honor was on the line and everyone was cheering. As we pulled into the final road of our neighborhood I swallowed the last nugget. I was gonna munt. It was too many nuggets. To finish the challenge I had to do a backflip because that would be the most upsetting to my stomach. I lined up and flipped and landed... nothing happened. I did it. 50 chicken nuggets in 15 minutes. Death before dishonor.
So about the Portland Tunnel Rats. We in the tunnels. One day a tunnel we were exploring became kind of flooded and was hard to push through. But we kept going. Maybe we shouldnt have. Whenwe started to near the last part of the tunnel elder terry slips... right onto his back and gets covered in mossy rain water thats just filthy. Gross. We had to go and change before we went anywhere else. Nasty.
I got to have an exchange with my bestest friend in the whole mission. Elder Russell Thom. It was probably the swaggiest thing ever and we had so much fun. Talked to everyone and joked around the whole time.
What I think to be the most exciting thing of this week. I found a deck for magic the gathering. I need it. I'm going to get it. If I were to buy each card individually then the deck would cost me $70,000. But I'm not going to do that so it's only gonna cost me $104. It's going to be the best deck in the entire area and will be totally unbeatable. It will be the best thing ever. Full of rare cards and exclusive arts. I am so happy to have the chance to buy it. A deck with all my cards that I've ever dreamed of having and card's you've never seen before. Japanese exclusives, cards that are 30 yr old and just some classics. I am so fetching excited to get to own this deck.
I will update y'all when I get it and it will be epic