I'm surprised natural selection hasn't taken me out yet

I don't really have an intro besides I never think I'm not sure how I end up not dead.
We finally got the last of the freakin car fiasco all figured out, but I did find a tazer in the sisters' car which was super fun to mess around with and ultimately gave me the feeling of power, and if you ask I will have to say due to Mom reading these that I did not taze myself (is it tase or taze?) Also! Today was 7-11 so we went and got some slurpees during our comp study and it was super good actually. They have a new Sprite flavor which is actually not that bad
Well, today was fun! We got to have a zone conference and see everyone in our zone plus a few neighboring zones as well so I got to see different faces! You don't realize how much you actually like seeing people until you go months without it... but we got to talk with Presidente and other people as well which was super fun! They also had like these lil muffin things for a snack and I probably had about 10 of them. They were super yummy. We had dinner with a member and her dog is the coolest thing ever. He is so definitely visually impaired because he is hard-core cross-eyed. He's my favorite. Sorry, Odin, you're still stinky. Another thing is my ribs aren't hurting but I can definitely feel a lack of oxygen when I breathe deep so hopefully that doesn't cause a problem.
We probably walked around 4 miles today just looking for people which worked because we talked to 30 people. Which was the most the zone had for today! Although no one was interested we still talked to a lot of people! I also figured out how to do this cool pen spin trick that Elder Ingram showed me how to do. Definitely keeps my hands busy. Also, there is a chance that this will be my last week in Rockport... playing Yu-Gi-Oh is so much fun. I know it's a kids' game but I don't care. Soy un niƱo, ahora y siempre. Also, fun fact, today marks me being a missionary for 4 months!
Today was mentally rough, I'm getting so much mixed inspiration on whether I should stay in the field or go home. I have been counseling with God constantly for an answer but I can't seem to get a firm answer. I'm gonna try to go for my 6-month mark and see if the answer changes. I really want to stay out in the field but I also feel like I have something at home I need to do. Not for the soul purpose of going home but like God has something different he wants me to do. Me entiende? I want the experience and the spiritual growth but it's a messy situation right now so I'll have to just keep counseling and praying. Patricia can cook. She makes the most insane food and is giving me so much inspiration for recipes and teaching me so much. Whether it be cooking or Spanish, she's helping.
To help combat my confusion on serving. I've decided to read the whole Book of Mormon in a month, and really study and ponder what it gives me. We had a dual birthday party to go to today for Jeff and his daughter Leila. It was so much fun and everyone there was honestly so open to talking with the missionaries. Maybe that's because there was food and their kids were running through the bounce house. Oh well. But later in the day, one of our RCs (recent converts) called us and asked if we had 20 minutes. Oh crap man he's in trouble... but we show up to the address and it's his grandparents' house and they have these 2 beautiful cars outside. (He wasn't in trouble) but I got to talk cars for a while and take tons of pictures. Ebic. Billiam Richardson had us over for dinner... with LouAnn.... our RC. He made this pizza that frankly made me want to throw up and a cheesecake that was 100% burned. He talks like he knows what's happening but he has no clue what's happening. Then he proceeded to show us all the apps on his phone where he can make thousands of dollars just watching videos. After he left the room LouAnn told us how creepy he was and how all of those apps were complete scams.... what are we gonna do with him.....Later in the day, we parked in front of someone's house to talk to some people and pross and this dude comes up all pissed saying we can't park there because there have been break-ins recently. I totally understand but the stupid thing was he told us to park across the road... in case you didn't know it's illegal to rob someone if you park 5 feet away from their road. You can only ever rob them if you park directly in front of their house. And that's a fact. Don't look it up.

I can rest. But on the way to church, we almost got into a car crash because of some idiot who ran a stop sign and then proceeded to want to fight us because, again, if you decide you aren't making any mistakes that makes the other person liable. Please don't ever put me with a lawyer. But this guy followed us all the way to the church and left once he saw we were at church. And to be frank, I wanted to hit him. So bad. Or pepper spray the crap out of him. After sacrament meeting I find myself limping around because my hip feels like it's out of place and my ribs are stinging again. I know the mission is supposed to be a challenge but why do all the physical things show up now and not when I'm 30.... To wrap up a day of rest and chaos, LouAnn needed some help moving things around from her storage room and apparently, she has showed off her baptismal certificate to all of her neighbors. She is just so happy to be a member and I couldn't be happier for her.
Anyways that's about everything this week but I really hope I get an answer as to if I should continue to serve or not, but hopefully I don't see yall soon. Because I kinda want to stay out but again, todo es si dios lo quiere.
Adieu mon amis, and stay safe I love y'all.