Just a Quick Note
Alright so I'm finally back to normal p day schedule thank goodness but let me say there is way to much evidence for this church to not be true. I just wish everyone could see it the way I do. This one isn't gonna be super long but that's okay just something to think about
FridayToday we talked with our friend that believes dinosaurs are fallen angels and homie I just dropped knowledge bombs on this dude and there wasn't a single question I couldn't answer. But I left feeling good and I feel like he's actually gonna pray for a witness to know if what we taught is true. Also another weird thing I've gotten into is coin collecting. Like I've been examining coins and looking for errors and all that cool stuff. So far I have 1964 double stamped and offset penny with a close AM. Pretty cool.
We got back to isaiah today and we were able to bring magno with us to help teach and the spirit I felt there was awesome! I think he's gonna do great in the church. Another thing! I CAUGHT SO MANY FROGS! I love frogs so much and I got so many little guys it was awesome. I still think about it often as a serotonin boost. I've also started to write songs again and I'm hoping I'll be able to finish it before the mission ends. Because without my rig or anything to produce its gonna be a bit.Also side not. My companion makes utah drivers look tame. He really is not good at it at all.
SundayToday was so chill I loved it. Up until after church.... we biked the entire city of aransas and found only one person in that whole area.... other than that awesome day solid stuff. We played some pass with brother burkhead and once I finally felt warmed up to start throwing it a little harder my shoulder gave out. I messed it up in high-school because we'd play these insane games of wallball and a game we made called sinch. Which is like ultimate Frisbee but with a tennis ball. Anyways. I messed that up so now both my shoulders are poop

Yo quiero compartir mi testimonio con ustedes. Yo s茅 Jesucristo es mi Salvador y que todos hago, el es aqu铆 con mi. Cada pis贸. Yo s茅 si leo el libro de Morm贸n todos los d铆as yo puedo tener la fortaleza ense帽ar y cambiar las corazones de todos. Yo quiero compartir mi escritura que siento dar mi motivaci贸n y inspiraci贸n. 3 Nefi 11:41 lo dicePor tanto, id a este pueblo, y declarad las palabras que he hablado, hasta los extremos de la tierraYo s茅 que mi prop贸sito como uno misionero es invitar a las personas a venir a cristo ayudarles a que reciban el evangelio rectorado. Si compartimos el evangelio con todos podemos ser misioneros cada d铆a y tocar las corazones de las personas cerca de nosotros Digo est谩s cosas en el nombre de Jesucristo. Amen.