La Ultima

So right on the last stretch of the mission and my watch that I've come to love so very much has been destroyed. The glass face was shattered. There was this dog that jumped around a corner and just CHOMPED onto my wrist. Biting through the glass and luckily breaking no skin on my wrist. Still sad tho.
In my little spot of Brownsville you can hear gunshots and grenades going off across the border almost every hour
This was the absolute slowest week of my life. At this rate Im gonna age 40 years before December even ends. Ive been super anxious about making sure everything goes well and it's all planned for when I get home.
Last P day was kinda lame. We went tie digging and I got a versace tie that was a little beat up that I ended trading for a pristine Valentino. And thats pretty much it. I emailed some friends, made some plans for when I'm back home and called my family for 2 hours. Im excited.
Sent some stuff home so that way my suitcase would be lighter and I dont need to worry about losing a lot my money in tie collections. Ive sent about 30 lbs of ties and all of my magic cards
With this being my last full week I've gone into mega grind mode. As they say somewhere "no regerts." Yes I know I spelt that wrong. Running after people to talk to them and being ultimate efficient with all my contacts.
I got some nice work books.
I am so very grateful for the chance I had to serve and the experiences that I have had the blessing of getting. I am thankful for the saviour and his atonement that I may be able to improve and come home a better person and a truly devoted disciple of christ. I have come to love the people I have taught and have ultimately changed as a person. With a new light of Christ in my mind and heart I am excited to see what this next chapter of my life will hold. It is now time to go home and start my life.
You will not be recieving anymore emails from me anymore. This is the last. I have finished my mission.
Over and out
Elder Miller.