Look Ma, No hands!

Mother of all so much has been happening but let's start with the beginning Monday-wednesday (it's a blur)Big long day of travel and I had to wake up at 3:30 from the MTC to get to my flight. I didn't actually sleep the whole night but I slept for an hour but that was on top of the dresser in the MTC. But jumping around planes by myself is weird. Our district got separated for some reason and we ended up getting to McAllen about an hour earlier than our other group. The first few days were just meetings and figuring out the area. My area I'm in is the Corpus Christi area. But I'm in the rockport city. Everyone here is rich and stuck up and doesn't want to hear the gospel but the people with the must promise are the humble ones who don't have any money. Yes there are some nice rich people but we don't ever get that here. Anyways I digress. Once we got here we got to meet Presidente Larreal who is so nice and his wife is just the sweetest. But they made us the best Carne and red chicken I've ever had and we got to talk with our fellow greenness and AP's for a bit before being introduced to the big show. But we had a big red carpet thing where we met our trainers and stuff it was pretty cool.
ThursdayWe started the day of pretty slow, driving around and not getting many answers from people or just rude remarks but we went to check in on some people we've taught before. Linda and Simon but Simon was there but her husband was, Lewis. So we started go talk and share with all of them and lewis is asking what he needs to do to be baptized! Score! when all of the sudden the land lord shows up... turns out this guy is a chief for a different church and cuts us off and starts asking us all the basic catholic questions but I could feel that this man was evil. I was getting ready for a Bible bash but he kind of scooted us off after telling us he doesn't like us at all. After that we went to find our friend Andrew who we haven't really been able to get in contact with so we go and play some basketball with him for a little bit. And Elder Peterson (my trainer) says "if I make this shot, you gotta come to church on Sunday". Dude. Why would you say that. So I said a super fast prayer and I was ready to shake the hoop so he could make it in but he didn't need my help and he made it in! (Plot twist Andrew never comes to church). We figured out that there will be a flea market the first weekend of May so hopefully we check that out and talk to some people there. At this point I'm starting to get stressed but that's because everything is new and we only have about 100 miles left and we've used 1500... that's alright tomorrow will just be a bike day. I caught a frog but it decided to pee on me so that's nasty.
Friday. I went to wataburger for the first and time and it's about the same quality as dq if imma be honest. It was a big biking day and my legs are tired dude I can't even begin to explain it. But when we went to this apartment complex ghis one lady was yelling at us and calling us a cult and that we leave immediately. The next door was just as chaotic. A girl answers the door as her (I believe special needs) brother starts chanting "HOME DEPOT HOME DEPOT" and her mom was freaking out cause she just cut her hand or something so it was a weird time. Later in the day we found this super cool guy his name is Steven Gutierrez and he wants everything to do with the church and it was so cool. While we were talking to him tho someone drives by and yells "Run Away!" Man people don't like us. Not in this nice area at least. No one is humble and everyone is a materialist. Which is also sad because you'll see people living in a POS trailer with this neon green hell cat parked our front and I ask who's it is and the person who owns the house always says it's theirs. Sad. To wrap up the night we did some member present lessons with a good friend of ours Magno. He's super cool and he gave Elder Peterson a blessing because he's been feeling sick. But magno is a G, literally.
Saturday Today was a day of things gone wrong. I lost my bike light, I got bit by a dog. Mosquito bites another biking day. My brakes are rubbing on my bike. My anxiety is sky rocketing. But the best part was I did service for someone and she had all these dogs and they were so cute and I got to help shave one of them. I love dogs. And the music she was listening to was Half•Alive! I love that music so much. but again we really aren't having much success anywhere once we get to the valley tho everything will be better.
SundayToday I had my first sacrament meeting in the field and I got to bless it and let me tell you, the way these branches are organized are not like utah at all its so jank. After the meeting and all that we went out to check in on people. (None of our friends we talked to came to church) Lewis and Melinda were working and Andrew just didn't want to. I started to have an anxiety attack because I have no idea what I'm doing and no one is listening to us. But later we found Steven and his cousin Jeremy and they both seem super down to be taught. Steven says he's already been baptized in our church but we're not finding any records. At the end of the day we used our last mile. We drove 1599.3 miles last month and right as we're feeling accomplished and we're tracking the miles. We can't find our gas card. It's gone. We have no idea where it went but I feel horrible. Another anxiety attack there. But tomorrow is p day so hopefully it all works out? Also one last thing. It is so flat here and I have no idea which way is north.