Lose your Pride

Lose your Pride

  Man I'm doing so good. Not sleeping at all, but still doing awesome! LeeRoy got baptized! And we all vibing. Cox still bugs me but we get along.

     So everyone has probably heard from me that texas is hot as cheeks. But. We've been getting lots of rain recently so all though its mad humid, it's cooling down. Right now as I write this, it is 77⁰F with %50 humidity. Perfect. Prossing is no longer the worst part of the day because it's finally cool enough and people are actually outside. It's looking up.

    So I spent a good long while asking our district leader, Elder Burt, if I can do an exchange with the lowkey insane elder, Elder Stewart. I regret it. That man is insane. It was so crazy. Did I enjoy it? Yes. Would I do it again? Never. He's wild.

    I finally got the book that Bonnie wanted to send to me and the day I got it actually I was able to show it Prez and get it approved. It's all about showing love to our family and give frustrations to the Lord. I don't remeber the title but its something along the lines of what It's about. I'm enjoying it so far but it was a little weird starting out because I just flipped my brain over to scripture speak so modern grammar just wasn't making any sense.

    I have everything planned out for the 280Z, but now to get the money. To do so I've locked in that I am going to get my Broker's license and work through the real estate route. If I'm going to BYU or UVU, undecided. Through prayer and fasting I will find where God needs me to be.

    This is the last few days of the transfer. Hopefully I get to stay here now that I'm on Presidente's good side. We'll just have to see where God needs me though. "I'll go where you want me to go."

      I had my interviews with prez this week and I gotta say, best interview my whole mission. I felt accomplished after having truly put in my best effort and tell him I have done so. Directly correlating the hard work with blessings I have seen is definitely a huge testimony grower. I've always been told that serving a mission blesses you like crazy but your family as well. They ain't lying. My family is PROSPERING. They doing great! I am so very thankful for this gospel and the fact we always have an open hand to turn to. I know this church is the true church of Christ and no one can tell me differently. I know my Savior lives. I know God does have a plan and as long you TRY your BEST, you will reap your reward. More than you can recieve. Do what God has asked us and he will do what he says. He said, to just paraphrase "keep my commandments and try me. See how many blessings I can give you. Find out for yourself why everyone else is so happy and why they are blessed. You think I would give you lots of blessing? Try me." I know through diligent work and forgetting yourself and having God's will be yours, you will find joy. I didn't learn that until a few weeks ago. Not until I finally swallowed my pride and put myself under God's law. The prayers that everyone has been sending my way really have helped me understand what I need to do. Do NOT underestimate the power of prayer. It can heal you. It will fix you. Stay strong. Pray. Test God and see how many blessings he can give you. I say these things in the name of our Redeemer and King Jesus Christ, Amen.

   I love hearing from y'all
