
Man, we've been doing a lot of service recently. One of which was with someone by the name of sister Cantu. She had a giant single car garage room just chock full of stuff shes been hoarding. It was time for her to start getting rid of stuff so she hit us up. The project took us about 2.5 hours and was actually kinda fun. Just going through a bunch of toys and clothes and sorting them into the bags while trying everything on. We didn't actually finish everything but we're about halfway through. We had some lunch then we head out. My phone rings. It was NOT satisfactory. She said we put stuff in the wrong spot and we needed to come back and fix it. Im not trying to cause any problems so we go back and just shift stuff like 4 feet and then she was fine. Man.
Another Cantu story but a different Cantu. We were eating dinner at A. Cantu's house. And the busses where running a little late. Shes stressing out and then in the middle of dinner says "I need you guys to leave I'm calling the cops". She had to find out where her daughter was so I don't blame her. We promptly leave and then just kinda talk outside about all the weird dinner experiences we've had. Some weird stories were shared and then about 6 minutes later she texts me and says that the busses for school where running late and her daughter is fine. Not necessarily the most crazy thing I've had happen but still a story I'm gonna tell. Man.
No one has been showing up to church recently. It's kind of tanking my mental health because I've been trying to grind with recent motivation from my Dad. Nothing. Getting ghosted left and right, people are no longer interested or don't want to join a cult. It's probably gonna take time to get the ball rolling again because the fruit doesn't grow the first season but I was really hoping for some fruit. Maybe I'm doing something wrong or it was just "one of those weeks". Grind stays strong. I miss home but that's not gonna slow me down. Last week was just a moment of weakness.
Keep me updated
Elder Miller