My health was definitely at risk here...

Alright first off I'm still in rockport but I got a new companion! He's super swag. El Animo es asombroso.
TuesdayToday we got our transfer announcements and I'm staying in rockport (that means no more spanisj for another transfer

) but I will be getting a new comp! His name is Elder Powell! This homeboy is from New York and a vibe all around it sounds like. Today was our last day actually working so I went out and we only talked to 6 people, but, we got 3 potentials so I'll take that so fast.
WednesdayToday was a packing day and Elder Peterson gave me his Lego Aston Martin DB5 James Bond edition so I'm definitely stoked about that! And while we were doing a mock BI with our friend (baptismal interview) (he passed btw!!) Another one of our friends came by and gave us some real Texans BBQ and man this chicken is top notch! Later in the day to end things out I moved an entire fridge by myself. I can't wait to have a comp with real strength.
Thursday Later on the day we helped Portland pack out and leave so we went to their house and they gave me.... an MF slingshot. I am now a weapon of destruction, war and pure chaos. With the gift of the holy ghost of course. After that we met up with Sinton and did splits for a day which isn't quite an exchange but still a comp swap. While with Elder Baker we decided to get some food for lunch and we went to this placed called El Pueblo Del Jalapeño. And honestly the al pastor was amazing it was so good. But that's not what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk about the people sitting behind us. They were speaking spanish I hear one of them say in spanish. "Why are those guys dressed in white" and I heard of them (I'm assuming a member) explain that we were missionaries and he then talked about the restoration and the liahona with this guy. I wanted to say hi and chat but they left before we finished our food. Lame. Also Dad I got kissed by Poseidon so that was great...
FridayFirst real day with my new comp was fire, the animo and spirit this man has is wild. We've just been smacking referrals and making some super cool contacts
SaturdayDude. I expected at some point in my mission to come across some food I don't like. But never. Food that would put me in physical danger. We go to someone's house for dinner and he makes us this MASSIVE plate of fried chicken. Im a big fan of fried chicken so of course I take it all and take a massive bite ready to eat it and savor it. Until my tongue feels something, very soft, cold and slimy. So I pull back in confusion and see. This chicken is almost entirely raw. It wasn't undercooked. It was just straight raw. Elder Powell and I start to throw away and hide food as he turns his back so we don't offend him. But he doesn't seem to notice. So oblivious to where his own chicken was so raw the blood in it was still viscous... he keeps munching and munching and doesn't even care. AND COME TO FIND OUT HE INVITED SOMEONE ELSE TO COME EAT!! This man, oblivious of it all. Manages to grab a piece that was cooked all the way.... (praise the Lord) but this guy was one hundred percent Texan. If I were put in a room and asked to identify the Texan, I would point at Pat so fast it's not even funny. His speech and mannerism is that of a true man of liberty

. Later in the day we then help sister Chilton build her fench and get it all set up for her chickens. And I found the most Itty bitty frog to ever exist it is smaller than my finger nail!
Sunday Today there were pudo miracles. Our friends came to church and all of the members instantly befriended them. The fellowship in this branch just goes hard! Mi compañero está muchísimo más mejor y el está un hombre de espiritu poderoso. Just an amazing man overall! I can't wait to see all that comes from this transfer!