This week was a roller coaster of emotions, and to be honest, kind of sick of it. I like the slow and steady and everyone progresses. Not the way where everyone is super sick and then just goes Bot within 24 hours
Today was zone conferences and it was pretty epic. We got to see all of our zone, Laredo zone and robbstown zone. There was almost half the mission there in one zone conference and that's epic. We got to eat Tacos and hang out with everyone and get to catch up. And I talked to President real quick and he said this is my last transfer in Corpus... I'm super hyped don't get me wrong but I just got settled. It's a good way of keeping me not reesty.
I also got my package that I have been waiting for for a long time... guess what was in it.... A single sock, a watch with a weird latch and a bunch of vitamins! Best care package ever.
We had the most bomb dinner with Sister Ramos and then right after we taught this Mexican lady and her son and she cooked us even more food. It's so sick.
Yall have prolly been wondering how my ribs are doing and for that. I have an answer. Unfortunately I am still growing so it us worsening. I currently measure at 6'4 and with my shoes 6'5. Don't know why you needed to know the with shoes part but oh well there you go. But through deep prayer and pondering I received an answer as to if I stay or if I go. My answer was that I will stay on my mission. But I cannot go the full 2 years because it will become a problem later down the line. At the moment insurance won't cover the surgery so I have to wait until it all gets super bad and I HAVE to go home. But until then, I'm still Texan.

Today we met this Jank couple of guys. We come up to talk to them and they insist that we cannot talk to them because we are, not members of the church of jesus christ, but not Texan. We called them Gaston and LeFou because that's what it was. This guy was talking himself up on how great he is and his little short chubby friend would back him up and tell us how great he was. Maybe I don't want to be Texan anymore.
Today was a little jank with the Portland Boys and their exchanges so I did splits with Elder Baker for a few hours. During those few hours we walked past some kids and waved just to be nice. And they all start yelling at us how we are pedophiles and we should not be talking to gets. With a lot of fowl language from these 12 yr Olds. We just kept walking and didn't say a word.
Today in DC I learned how to just be bold and teach in spanish which is kinda hard because spanish speakers talked wicked quick and don't enunciate. So it makes some things problematic.
I am now what's called "puro 956" which is the nickname for someone who can lead an entire spanish contact without the help of their comp. Pretty epic and I worked p hard for it.
Today I ate around 6k calories. I need help and also, while I was riding my bike the back tire just exploded and it was the weirdest thing ever and it sucked super bad because I had to walk around 2 miles in the scorching texas sun of 118⁰
I put my bike back together after having it explode on me and going to Walmart to get a new tube. Which actually aren't that expensive and during all of this ruckus my pen exploded and got into one of the cuticles of my fingers. It didn't hurt but I just got a tattoo that won't wash away.
Also the kid we are teaching, Carlos, Is Hilarious. He used to be a super closed off kid who didn't really want to talk a whole ton to just being out of pocket all the time and just being goofy. He's pretty sick and I can't wait for him to be baptized.
Tonight at gospel principles we gave LouAnn a present. It was a puzzle with the picture of Lehi and his family on the boat. But it was the entire chapter of 1 Nephi 18 written on the puzzle and all the letters were colored so when you blurred your eyes or stepped back you would see the painting of the boat. It's pretty sick and it was super awkward when she started to cry. Happy cries tho so we chillin.
I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. I am exhausted. We also had to move a massive fridge that actually got stuck at the bottom of the stairs we were moving it to. While on the dolly it got stuck at the very bottom where could do anything to move it. It wedged itself between the hand rail. The stairs and the door frame and was just stuck. And after deadlifting a fridge. I finally got it out.
I also found a little pal (a lizard) and put him in my pocket to play around. :)
I wake on a cold smooth surface, disoriented and panicked with my heart racing. It is pitch black and I feel claustrophobic. As I slowly start to fully wake up, I stand up and realize that I am not dreaming, and I am also not in bed, and I have no idea where I am. As I begin to feel around the room, I find a switch, which I flash quickly enough to see where I am. I'm in the bathroom. I quickly move back to my bed where my mind races for explanations. When I lay back in bed I feel nauseated. The world starts to spin and I rush back to the bathroom. Perhaps this was the cause of me being in the bathroom? I do not know. As I am rushing back I stop in the middle of the hallway, no longer feeling sick, but now understanding the emotion I am feeling. Fear. I am not safe. I do not know if the spirit was telling me to move or if primal instincts are telling me I need to fight. Whichever way you flip the coin. I was not safe. Saying a prayer of strength and protection. I continue to arm myself. I grabbed my knife and check all of the doors and windows in the house to make sure no one is getting in. Checking everything in a mad panic. With no goal but to fight. I debate on whether to wake my companion. Who also not been sleeping well, and I dare not to wake him, for the the chance of it being a false alarm. I decide the best strategy is to wait. I stand posted in the front room, where I could respond the all corners of the house fastest, and wait. For what felt like several hours I stood. Én garde. With my blade drawn and my heart still racing. After several prayers I come to realize that I am over reacting. And I need to go back to bed. When I get back to my bedroom. My mattress was thrown onto the floor. They got in. I do a quick sweep through the house ready to kill. Until the spirit has to yell at me and say that everything is alright and I need to sleep. With my heart racing and adrenaline through the roof and coming to realize that I was ready to take a human life. I talk to my family. I need the help and the strength and someone to talk to. After a quick discussion I am assured I am safe, and that I need to sleep. Still uneasy, I lay back in bed and fall asleep. Only for nothing to happen.
Yall like my story telling skills? Those are real events that happened. But the cause was due to a medication change and sleeping on 2 mattresses. The new meds made my heart rate pretty rapid. And as for the double bed part. I was on two mattresses which shook with every movement, so as I'm sleeping my body is trying to balance on top and keep itself awake. As for the insane paranoia, I also think that that was from the med change as well. But I'm so glad that is over. And now I have a fun story
Well yall it's getting late and I love you guys so much. Thank you for reading this and I hope this inspires you to only sleep on one mattress. Not 2.
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