Ope, Ive been absent

Ladies and Gentlemen I have been absent for a wee bit but I've repented since.
First off we're gonna start with this fun little story...
There we were, sitting at dinner trying to relax after a cold day. Everyone had just cancelled on us or had just been a bum. So we are talking to this member when we just get a call from an english sister in the english ward. Why are we getting a call from English people? I have no Idea, but I answer it regardless. "Elders. Are you home?!" I respond by saying no we are not. "Well you might want to go check on your house because I'm pretty sure it's on fire". Excuse me what. As we are sitting there contemplating what to do, we decide that we are just gonna stay there at the members house because what are we gonna do. Unburn the house? What's damaged is damaged and we can't change any of that. So we continue to chat and laugh with the members while eating pasta and practicing our spanish subjunctive when the hour finally ends. We decided to go check on the house. When we round the corner we see a few stray cop cars. so we pull up and ask the officer what happened. "someone just died here in apartment 9". bruh. Here I was stressing that my house was on fire but in reality some old dude just died. That's an L.
Also fun fact, I am 20. I'm getting pretty old, dude. Also snowboarding like an absolute idiot doesn't help me at all because everything hurts and I have the stamina of an obese chihuahua.
Christmas was a wee bit ago as well and that was super awesome, the one year where I actually wanted socks I didn't get any...
We also had a Christmas conference where we got to bool with all of the missionaries in the whole mission. I got to see old friends that I haven't seen in almost a year and also meet some new people. woah. I've been out for almost a year... in just a few days it's gonna be 11 months...
I broke my knuckle punching a couch because the sisters fumbled the easiest baptism I gave to them. So I had to remind them again after this dude went ghost for about 2 months. I was so frustrated when I found out I punched the armrest of the couch, missed and slammed into the wood on the outside...
Even though I've been on my mission for almost 11 months, I've only been speaking Spanish for about 4 months. I can communicate in almost every situation and I almost have subjunctive down which is just so accomplishing.
Also I'm pretty sure I heard this dude get shot. There was lots of screaming and yelling on the street over from us. then a gunshot. then silence. Im p sure he is very dead
Update on my medical crap, I am all good and dont need surgery. Which is good because that means I don't need to go home. but that also means i'm just living uncomfortably almost all the time with a good amount of chest pain.
I really miss the snow. It's just cold and wet with no Snow. just cold and boring
I love yall so much and thank you for all the prayers, letters and gifts. It definitely makes the rejection of the days a little more bearable.
-Your favorite white boy