Probably the Worst Week to Ever Exist

Probably the worst week to ever exist. Punch after punch was just thrown at me this week. Really a testimony tester. It basically means that I hate everything and I want to blow up.
The week started out great with me catching some gar and then it started suck. Number one on this list of unfortunate events is! A lady got absolutely pummeled by a train and died. A lady in sinton tried to cross the train tracks and stalled on the tracks. Her son was able to jump out of the car to miss the train. But the mother was not so fortunate. She was hit by the train and dragged several hundred feet. It took the city about 4 hours to clean up the mess that was caused. That put a damper on the whole town making no one want to talk to us. During it all I got a little spider bite from a wolf spider.
This is a little of a double whammy in this unfortunate event. Our 4 super cool kids who were bouncing off the walls with excitement to be baptized. Got fed MEGA anti from their grandmother who told them they would all be sold off to a polygamist. Thats just the start of it. 3 of the 4 kids decided they didn't want to be baptized because grandma said they werent allowed to go to that church anymore. Even though she was praising high and low that it's their own decision on where they want to be baptized. Long story short. We lost 3 souls. And Grandma is an opp. But during this lesson it started to get super hot outside. And my spider bite on my ankle started to swell up a little. It started to have a dull pain like I got scootered to the shin the day before. Then I start sweating profusely and start losing conscience. I have to tap out in this already devastating lesson to go into the AC of the car because now every inch of my body is soaked in sweat. I turn on the AC full tilt and just sit there for about 15 minutes while Allred and Lo Forte teach these kids grabbing at anything. I'm so exhausted that I couldn't even pick up my phone or walk straight. After the lesson we go home and I'm not getting any better. An hour passes and I am still sweating every ounce of water out of my body. Heart pounding and breathing heavily. Lying there on my bed with a towel under me without a shirt on. Just dying. I decide to check my temperature to see how bad my fever is. 93.9⁰... I'm freezing? So I put another towel over me. Praying for it all to end. I call it quits. We're going to the ER. I get there and they throw me in super fast and they give me some antibiotics. But I realize I don't have my drivers license. It was in my wallet when I lost it a while ago.
So because I lost my wallet. I lost my driving privileges. Although I have a digital copy of a VALID drivers license the mission won't let me drive if I don't have the actual card. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Guess what. Another whammy. Because I don't have my license and can't drive I need to be Emergency Transfered. I almost got transfered out to Harlingen 3 hours away but I only got moved to Portland which is about 20 minutes away. So now I'm also leaving the area I absolutely love and adore. This is the worst week ever.
After I thought it all resolved and it was over. My boots got stolen. I left them outside to dry like I do every other night for the past 2 months. But they just got swiped. I am going to murder someone. Probably the worst week ever to ever exist. But as Uncle Bean says "Is the church still true? Then quit crying." So imma suck it up and keep moving forward.
Anyways. I hate everything. Shoot me a text or something because I still have anothee recovery day before I can start walking again. Womp Womp.
Also did I mention that there is a MASSIVE HURRICANE COMING STRAIGHT FOR US. So we might evacuate to Laredo.
Your now evil ginger