Queen Elizabeth is still alive!?!?!

Queen Elizabeth is still alive!?!?!

Sorry, this is last week's letter, but my dad is a slacker.

Bruh. I can drive now. I'm so happy and the joy I feel from driving is indescribable. it's just good to be behind the wheel otra vez.
Starting off strong in this week was exchanges with the ZL's which was pretty epic. I got to go back out to Corpus and be with Elder Rhineer this time. Nothing really happened besides me leading a whole spanish conversation!!! Literally so ebic. During the exchange we dinner with some members who I already met apparently which is weird but we had dinner with the bike sisters, and broski they were sun burned so bad. You could feel the heat radiating off their arms.... last thing about the transfer I finally did the L sit-to-handstand thing I've been working on for almost a year now!
I came back home to Rockport today and oh my gosh I met some crazy people... we met people who, own NASA, a general in the pentagon, Queen of Scotland and the princess of whales, the person who killed Osama Bin-Laden, and the sidekick to the Queen of England! Who is apparently very alive and kicking. She likes to shoot people and kidnap for fun. If you haven't guessed this is your local meth head living in a trailer, and yes, all the same person. Wow this person was weird... also got resurrected 14 times because Jesus didn't want her and the Pentagon had a meeting in 5 minutes... what.
Today at DC was kinda weird, we were pranking our greenie by taking everything so serious like a business meeting and no fun is aloud until someone starts knocking on the door of the church. So I'm ready to go throw hands with a hobo or something but when I get to the door, it's a young adult no older than 25. He has a request that caught me by surprise, he said, "Oh good the Elders. I need a blessing." I mean at least you know where to go. This guy was just having a rough time with summer sales and just being treated like garbage from his higher ups and depression was kicking his butt, but he knew that the Elders always had meetings at the church buildings. (He was an RM) and he waited for us to come and give him a blessing. Which is honestly such a cool experience and the faith he has to know that a blessing will heal him and God will do the rest.
Do the crazies ever stop. No they don't. They work at libraries so no where is safe now. This lady comes over asking if we are members of the LDS church and of course we say yes! She then pulls up a chair while we are trying to study and just starts talking about her life. Missionaries are really good at pretending to be interested in a conversation. But then she started to talk about how I have an ancient and wise soul from the dawn of time (which isn't exactly wrong considering the premortal life) but after praising me a little for my infinite wisdom, she looks at Elder Powell and says "but your soul is young. Somewhere around 12." With complete confidence. Then goes right back to saying how smart I am. What just happened? I don't know. She then explains how she is actually an Alien and she isn't from earth and then somehow we get to Hitler or something. Then she ends the conversation with the topic of "I see orbs. Always." Yo what does that mean. And proceeds to tell us about how she sees these orbs floating around just chilling, but only she can see them obviously


. Anyways she's coming to church this sunday... yay.

I also found this big 'A' tortoise. He was pretty sick
So remember the guy I wrote a ton about before? Isaiah. The one who was missing. Yeah well we went back over to his house and now his dad is gonna get baptized! He is so epic and I can't wait to see the progress he makes!
I did my first freestyle spanish contact. I was able to do a whole conversation In spanish without Elder Powell (we split up because 2 people were seperate driveways) but I did so good and you should be proud of me.
I'm embarrassed telling this story bro. We come to knock the house of a gray dot that hasn't been visited in a while. As we go to knock the door they are playing the song "I love rock n' roll" really loudly. Then all of then it just stops, no more music plays just the one song. Oh great they're hiding from missionaries again. But then Elder Powell hears a noise and as we listen he says "someone in there is in trouble it sounds like they are hurt" and once hear I just tell him. "Nope, let's go. I'll explain once we leave." After we leave he was all heroic saying that people in there needed help. No. They were doing the deed. Rock n roll is ruined.
Some BOZO called the cops on us while we were doing a service project because they didn't like how we parked. So some police officer gave us a parking violation warning that our car would be impounded if it wasn't claimed. After further inspection it was for abandoned vehicles... some mu junka is not my friend anymore.
We got $100 bucks for moving someone's porch (we basically rebuilt the whole thing and it's mad sketch still) but he kept trying to drop doctrine saying that the service you do will be paid ten fold. I mean. I'll take it I guess.
Later in the day for dinner we ate with President Freebairn. SCORE. This guy will either take you to subway or some bougie place you've never thought about going because your wallet whimpers when you talk about it. We got lucky. I got to eat some banging burgers and the food was amazing. And the key lime pie *chefs kiss* c'est parfait.
Lemme take a nap bro.
So our alien friend made it to church. Yippee. She actually ended up staying for an hour past it ending to talk with everyone. She's still crazy and still loves bring up how I'm old like methusala and Elder Powell is still 12.
I finally got to throw my hand at a 5x5 rubiks cube which was awesome. Did I solve it? Nah I gave up. Too sleepy. But it was fun to try. I also did a rubiks cube where there are no colors only textures. So you can do it blind. Which is epic.
To end it all LouAnn, bless her soul, gave me some of her mother's home made Cherokee tribe memorabilia. And I'm gonna give it to mom and grandma. Because they are sewing scissor sheaths and you know. They both do that
Anyways I love yall, stay awesome. Like and subscribe amen.