Snakes and Bape

Que pasa Calabasas! I'm vibing so hard out here in Sinton. Let me tell you about it
The Sinton Batman is a legend here in my new town of Sinton. He is a vigilante. Fighting crime, stopping drug deals and keeping the city clean. No one knows who it is. But he is doing more than anyone else can.
So I was walking around doing normal me stuff. Making sure every soul recieves the gospel or knows that they are dumb and need to explode, (Trinitroperhydro + Triazine + Gasoline) when I see this Bajonker in the middle of the road. A big ol Snake. This homie is about 4 ½ feet long and PISSED. So I decided right then and there, I need to hold it. So I do. As im trying to pin his head down with a stick he takes a couple bits at me cutting my fingers in multiple places. But im not backing down because some Brigham decided to fight back. So I finally grab him behind his head and this dude starts to squeeze my arm trying to suffocate me but its just my arm not my neck you loser. Also keep in mind I have no idea what type of snake is at the moment. It has the same pattern as a rattlesnake but it doesnt have its rattle so I think I'm okay? My cuts arent burning so there is no venom but he is still trying to bite me. And his fangs are SHARP. As Im holding him I start to notice multiple lacerations start to appear from the blood finally surfacing and the snake squeezing my hand. He had gotten me good. I am about 130 ft from my companion down this road so I start booking it straight towards him. Snake in my hand, subtly bleeding all over my hand yelling. " KIPP, ALLRED! I DID IT!" Our sidequest goal for the day was to catch a snake. I had did it. I had caught a Rat snake and a big sucker as well. After we had got our pictures and videos we chucked that John straight into the tall grass
Elder Kipp is the 2nd member of the Trio but he is going home on the 20th he is finishing his mission a few weeks early to go and be an FSY counselor. But he is one of my favorite companions of all time and he will be deeply missed
We had the awesome chance to go down to McAllen and visit the temple and do some endowments. It was super awesome experience and the Temple is just beautiful. The Celestial room is just *cheffs kiss* I receieved lots of important answers and I figured out some pretty sweet revelation
So there is this homie and his name is Micheal Day. This man definitely makes my Gay-dar go off. BUT. He has lots of awesome clothes that he loves to give us after we do service and we wants to start taking lessons as well. But hes got some super swag drip thay he loves to give us for free. So ive acquired lots of Nike, Grateful Dead, Bathing Ape, Essentials fear of God, Anti Social Social Club and this weird brand that Kyler Jenners boyfriend made called bananas monkey. It looks funky but I think they are Heat!
LouAnn is doing awesome by the way. Hopefully yall saw the video and that explains the whole visit.
7:20 PM. We get a Text from the AP's. "Elder Allred. You and Elder Miller are having a confidential zoom call with president at 9:15 and 9:30. Do not be late." Oh shoot... what did we do? What didnt we do? Why is it confidential? Why isnt Kipp being called as well? This is right as my anxiety meds start to wear off so I start spiraling. Heart is pumping to the Maximum. 8 o' clock rolls around. Thoughts are being flung around my brain. Then the time arrives. I turn on my phone and call president... This brigham just asked if we will be okay working without Elder Kipp and if we are doing okay. I LOST MY MIND JUST FOR THAT? To make sure I can do my job that ive been doing for the past year without problem without a third missionary? Apparently so. And as well that he wants to make me leadership somewhere in the mission but what the heck.
Let me tell you about the Brants. The greatest family you will ever meet. The Mom Laura and the Dad Jay are so dysfunctional. This whole family. And all of the kids. Macie 21, hannah 18, addie 16, camden 11, logan 11 and Joshie 7 are all gremlins. I Love them all so much because its just a normal family who likes to have fun. We eat there almost every single night and we just ball out relax. They are so sweet I love them.
Im happy im getting more consistent with my emails and I love you all