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I'm back on the road baby! And I'm no longer a greenie! Just wait til all the car clubs back home hear that I'm back

Let's start off simply by saying. We got weed. Legitimate Marijuana, Hash, Zaza, devils lettuce, Mary Jane, stock, kush and the green dream machine. We were talking with one of our friends and they wanted to quit smoking so we told them to get rid of half of their weed so they did, they gave us half. And we flushed it down the toilet. Which was super stressful because we reeked of this high grade lavender kush and we couldn't flush it down the MF toilet. It just wouldn't go down. So that was a whole heart attack of its own.
Another thing, we had transfer calls! It was super exciting and guess where I'm going! In the best place you could ever think of here in South texas! It's the same place. I'm staying in rockport... which I'm a little bummed about because I want to explore but hey, at least I know the people a little.
Today I found a massive. Spider. Absolutely huge. The size of my thumb! V spooky If I do say so myself. I got a video so that is terrifying. The only big news is today is my last day of being a greenie!
We also found a friend today who looks exactly like someone I knew in high-school who also had the same name but there is no way its her because 1 she is in Texas and 2 the real person is in the MTC rn.
I am no longer a greenie. Today marks me being a real missionary. No more training. Puro encontrando y enseñando. Today I listened to the coolest story of a convert who used to be a catholic and decided to follow faith even of that meant having his parents disown him, so if you can find it somehow listen to "the bill carpenter story". I highly recommend it.
Some stupid thing that happened today is we were trying to get home and this freaking train was 2 carts from being all the way the RR Xing then he reverses.... aaaaaalll the way through for an extra 20 minutes. Definitely messed up some schedule time there.
So fun fact we woke up and our whole area book broke. We have not been able to access any of our progressing people or any new dot we made this past month and a half. So it just undid a transfer worth of progress. So I'm really emo about that.
We've been working on making better contacts throughout our finding efforts because we've been talking to a ton of people but no one wants to learn. But now we've been finding less because we've been hunting these people and talking for as long as we can and that's been pretty effective.
I was cutting some chicken and totally sliced my finger wide open. Oh well.
So when I get my tiwi (my card to drive) I'm gonna take the microchip out of it and put it In a yu gi oh card, so that's gonna be mad hype.
LouAnn was overjoyed and almost started crying when she heard I'm staying because we are the only people who have ever really cared for her, like children she never got to have. I can promise you tho she is converted to church not us but still.
Dots are fixed! A nightmare and a half finally over! We have all of our contacts and our dots and our teachings back into area book! Just a big problem with transfers and areas opening and closing but anyways that fiasco is over so I'm happy.
Today I got to be a nerd again. I got to talk computers and help sister Chilton buy a computer for her son Arik for him and his school that he can use for some games on the side.
I got to ride a riding lawn mower for the first time in my life and it was so freaking epic. I felt like I had so much power just sitting there and destroying these worthless and filthy and ugly and stupid and inferior blades of grass. That's what you get for being green #vegetableracist?
We are totally becoming friends and by we I mean Elder Powell and I. It didn't just click it was a long work In progress but I'm happy it's all working out. Somethings make me miss Elder Peterson tho yk?
I met the new greenie, this guy looks so old but he just turned 18... he looks like he could be my dad bro. Besides the fact he has the body of a middle school runner he looks so old.
So we went by our friends house who gave us the weed (coming back for more

) but she put up 4 signs saying no trespassing... you could've at least sent us a text.
I cannot tell you how refreshing Sundays are. It's a time you can really just sit down, rest and feel the spirit. That's the only thing I want now. I did wake up with a raging headache tho and the constant tug at my stomach to throw up but besides that it was pretty epic.
Tomorrow I get to drive so I'm so hyped for it i can't wait!
LouAnn. She was given a ministering assignment! It's so awesome to see her progress and accept those callings and how much she wants to come to church and serve Jesus Christ and the Lord!
Also this area is mad sketch. No wonder sisters never come here because kidnappings and shootings are so common no one bats an eye. And this is like 3 blocks from their house!! I just don't get it.
During one contact we had this guy wanted to say a prayer for me because I was about to munt from my headache and during this prayer I just thinking. "Man this is awkward, I'm holding an old guy's hand" I didn't even feel the spirit

. But what I did feel was darkness. This man was someone we shouldn't be talking to and we should leave so we skeedaddled as fast as I could.
There was this one dude we found who talked like the parents from Charlie brown... but in spanish.... what the frig.
The present... (Monday)
Today was a good p day and we got to mess with the greenie a little bit. Which he took the jokes well so I'm glad he knows how to gave fun. I got to meet all the new editions to the zone and one of the sisters looks exactly like my sisters friend Claire.... kinda freaky cause she acts the same as well. But here are the real highlights....
I GOT TO DRIVE TODAY! I have always been the person to drive seperate because I either don't trust the person driving or I have to be somewhere and don't want to bug someone else for a ride. So being behind a wheel is my happy place.
Another highlight! I bought cereal :)
Anyways I love yall and really appreciate the messages I get from yall throughout the week, but stay safe and stay hydrated and take lots of breaks. I'm a missionary so that means everything I say is doctrine.

. Drink water. Take breaks. And shoot your shot. I'm looking at you savannah.