Some people should learn to play the quiet game

Y'all I'm losing it. This church leader is driving me insane.
Alright what the freak happened today? I got around 700 friend requests on Facebook and I have been sending out referrals like hot cakes. So many people and surprisingly, none of them have been bots trying to send me nude photos. So that is a huge plus. A lot of French, Spanish, Russian and a bit of Creol this time which is really strange. ALSO! LouAnns Cherokee husband (I only put that in because she mentions he's Cherokee every time we come over) he is starting to like us! He used to not even listen to anything we would say he would just get up and leave, but now he is listening to the discussions and pitching in which is SO EBIC! I am a lil depressed though because Walmart and stripes doesn't have MTN DEW Summer Freeze anymore... That was my favorite flavor.
Let's start off with some of the cheery things before it gets dark and depressing. LouAnn is so ready to be baptized man, she keeps asking questions like "how do I get into the temple?" and "who do I give my tithing to?" And we're just so happy with the progress she is making and can't wait for her to be baptized! But now the depressing things. After ZLC we went by some of the geto parts of Ingleside to go and pross. We crossed one crime scene, with one lady crying hysterical trying to get back into her house which was taped off while cops held her back. So we left them alone. I know we're supposed to talk to everybody but that wouldn't have been good. After our dinner appointment we hear about something that happened not too far from our apartment. Some man was walking down the road when all of the sudden 5 pitbulls came out of nowhere and mauled him to death ripping him apart. Wow.
LouAnn passed her baptismal interview! I feel like a proud dad with a 76 year old daughter who is finally getting baptized! And here is the real kicker! One of our branch leaders told us... "Stop baptizing people with no potential." That pissed me off. This man after we announced LouAnn was getting baptized, had the audacity to tell us that we are missionaries with awful training practices (I'm sorry mister idiot, these teachings came from a prophet and guess where he got those words from... GOD. So sit your goofy lil butt down and listen to the spirit.) Eventually this real genius of a man CALLED OUR MISSION PRESIDENT! And president called us and told us how this guy was "very much rude" (you're telling us) and we should move the BD while they talk to each other and talk about his calling (elders quorum president) which last time I checked does not oversee missionary work. I'm gonna throw hands.

I made some banging chicken wraps today which I'm very proud of while my comp was in a couple meetings. Also doods I've been playing so much Yu-Gi-Oh... But! They announced a new PREACH MY GOSPEL!!!! I'm super excited to dig into this and see what's new! This week is hauling despite all that's been happening. And LouAnn is okay with us moving the BD so that's really good and turned out well because not many people were able to show up but now a ton can come to the one on the 1st of July.

Pro tip. Don't smell pepper spray. It really much sucks. I sprayed a tiny bit into a cup to see what it smelled like and I took a huge whiff... that MF knocked me to the floor and had me coughing for 20 minutes. AND THIS WAS LIKE HALF A TEASPOON! Imagine it getting into your eyes.... after that whole incident we had a branch service project where we cleaned up someone's yard who had grass that was prolly 5 feet tall... so we ran around with swords and weed wackers taking everything out. After the project we talked with this difficult leader... we told him if we want to work together he needs to be nicer and respect our callings as well. And guess what he did... HE LAUGHED! And he said and I quote "I am not a nice person. I am reasonable." ... ... BULL CRAP YOURE REASONABLE! WE ASKED YOU TO PRAY FOR DIRECTION AND YOU SAID YOU DONT NEED PRAYER!?!?! This MF. Later in the day I prayed and really counseled with God about how to handle this bafoon and how I can get strength. And all I heard was the song army of Heleman. And from what I got was that I'm a missionary. It doesn't matter what he says. Our purpose is to "bring the world his truth". It felt good to know I'm actually getting answers in the moment.

I cannot explain how good today was. But let me try. We started today off with a meeting with all of the stake leadership. And every time the elders quorum president guy said anything it got shut down instantly or they said that what he was talking about was not his stewardship. Sweet sweet Justice. After the meeting we talked with the branch president about everything this MF has been doing and saying and he knew what was going apparently and just told us that he was going to fix it and make some changes. And when we asked how we can help him, he said, with a smile, "Baptize". I can't tell you how good it felt to hear him say that. Throughout the rest of the day was just awesome! We had all our recent converts at church, A less active family louAnn and Magno! At the end of sacrament meeting we were talking to people making our rounds and sister ramos hands me two goldfish... what the heck? Upon further inspection they are fake but she knew we couldn't have pets but she wanted to give us some friends. She's actually the best. Also! Breaking news! I took a nap after church! That is one of the few naps I've taken in my life since I was prolly 4. It felt amazing... I also started using the AI chatbot to get recipes from and figure all that out so that is pretty ebic.
This week has been tough but through it all I've found testimony and strength in prayer and joy from sewing others come unto christ. Stay safe yall and drink your water because our heat index is 130+