Sorry this is late 😬

Im gonna address the Elephant in the room that y'all prolly didn't even know was there. I am going to be heading home early. To clear things up first I am not in trouble and I'm getting an honorable release. I don't know when my homecoming is yet so I'll let y'all know. To put it simply while still giving y'all a story. My mental health has been in the mud recently. I haven't been eating or sleeping and my motivation is little to none. I don't know what caused it but my anxiety and depression have been relentless. Anxiety attacks a few times a week and thoughts that just never end in good places. I'm not suicidal so I am very thankful for that. But I brought this up in my interviews with president and he was very concerned and said he thought it best for me and the motivation for the missionaries around me that I head home early. He told me there is a group of missionaries going home on Dec 18th because school starts in January. After praying, reading the scriptures and counseling with my family, I have made the choice to go home. My concern was that if I keep moving forward I don't know how much more it will damage my sanity or further affect my physical health. So my 95 days got chopped to 23 days left. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited to go home and see my family. I am very sad to leave still. I am very thankful for everything my mission has brought me. The experiences, the friends, the people and most importantly my testimony.
Finding has been a lil tough, because at this point I know everyone and their dogs, but we keep on moving. God has a plan. Even though I am going home early, doesn't mean I failed. I did exactly what Christ has asked us to. Run as far as we can and then he will carry us the rest of the way. I am so very thankful for Christ and all he has done for me. A perfect example. I hope that I can finish off these last few weeks of my mission with energy and determination!
I will keep pushing until the very end. I love you and thank you for your prayers.
-Elder Miller