Talking to crackheads can't be good for your health.

Yall are lucky you gettin an email because I am so fetching tired. My body aches, my brain is doing lil backflips, my stomach has been trying to volley everything back at me and kids are a nightmare. What I said sounds super bad but it really isn't. I just like being dramatic.
I'm reading my notes here and it says "I want to play WoW again." I don't remember writing that but apparently I really want to play World of War Craft again. Writing that down too gives me heavy nostalgia vibes man. I just like being a little nerd.
We had a wicked tropical storm come through and it took out power lines and flooded the roads. Luckily we had ZLC (zone leader conference). Not so lucky is I couldn't go. We had to go pross in that brutal rain for an hour and a half. I was soaked to the bone and it wasn't too bad, until we got to tacobell. Where it was ice cold and I was already covered in water. Bad mix dude. The good thing tho, is that through all of this chaos we did find a tarantula which was pretty ebic.

We moved an MF palm tree. Or at least tried to. We got this service referral for the bazillionth time from this pastor lady who is starting to make me mad. But she wanted help moving a tiny palm tree. Turns out this palm tree was taller than me. And in the gutter. Right after it rained. So this bunk lady tried to have us move this massive palm tree covered in mud and weighing around a ton. Put into her tiny little Hyundai and bring it back home and plant it. No. We wanted to call the police on ourselves so they would yell at us and tell us to go away so we could say the police told us off. But unfortunately that was outruled. So we told her straight up. We can't do this, and you're gonna need to rent equipment if you want this dumb gutter palm tree. Why. Idk. I hate service referrals that say everything is super easy but really they did nothing or is just mad difficult. I hate that.
Luckily to brighten up our day we played a game with the youth. All we knew is the missionaries needed to be there. Once we get there we start the meeting and all that, but once we start, Brother brown straps something to my chest and starts a timer. It looks like a little bomb. It is a little bomb. And the kids scramble I am now very nervous and confused because I have a bomb on me and the timer is ticking down. Apparently the youth are just running around solving puzzles and trying to get keys to unlock me so I don't die. Genuinely nerve racking. Bad news, I survived and they unlocked me. Good news, I got to have an outshine bar which are my favorite Popsicles in the entire world.
I am so area dead bro. Everyone is bot and I've walked the same streets hundreds of times.
Other news from today. I threw up. It is still hot in Texas. And Supa grape news (super great) Jeff is gonna propose to Patricia. The white guy who doesn't speak hardly any Spanish is proposing to the spanish lady who knows almost no English. That's gonna work great.
Today the McAllen temple open house started, and we have been inviting everyone to come see it. Lots of no's but definitely seeing blessing from talking about the temples.
We biked for almost 2 hours straight today and I'm gonna cry. My legs hurt and my brain is so exhausted. We also dropped almost everyone in our area book so now we have a clean slate to work from. I am getting super good at wheelies tho so that's fun.
We got to see eggroll again. The fat dog I mentioned awhile ago. I love him.

We did service for a lady today that has (on multiple occasions) called us a cult and today she loved acting like that never even happened and we have to disassemble and throw away her couch now. Why dude. Give us elect people.
I want to be a dad. But I don't want my kids to be little gremlin buttheads that don't listen to their parents. I'll just pray a lot when the time comes.
Also broskies I am tanning so hard. You never thought this ginger could do it. But I am.
My last Sunday in Rockport (hopefully) was only 30 minutes because the AC is still out and everyone would pass out if we didn't end it early.
We also refound the queen of whales. She gave us water which we promptly threw away because it wasn't sealed. Yay.
A miracle we did see tho was that one of our friends wants to go to the temple open house which means we can go as well. I really hope he doesn't cancel otherwise I will sue him for kidnapping and assault and battery. I love being Christlike.
Closing remarks
I'm sleepy
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π£πIs this loss?
Just look at the dang pictures