Texas is hot

Texas is hot

 I am still in my villain arc but this week was better than last. Let me fill yall in. 

 We had a service project during the week where we just moved a bunch of mulch for a recent convert. She is a super sweet lady and with the 2 of us elders and 2 other elders from the elders quorum we were not able to get it done. But, after words she had this little tea party for us inside her house. We had a bunch of herbal teas and natural fruits that she had grown. It was a cottage core house with a tri chromatic of mint green, off white and beige. Just a cute lil house and after we finished working and getting super sweaty we sit down on these little seats and eat some fruits and berries including strawberries, dragon fruit and some other fruit that is a cousin to lychee and raspberries. Super super fun. Got some swag pictures but I need to ask Johnny for them before I toss them in the album.

    So last time I was in this area, I baptized this family their names are Dylan (grandson 15) and Claudia (grandmother 60). So we went by to visit them because they're still recent converts and as we go over, Jacob (cousin to dylan 8)'s mom, Jackie (Claudias daughter 30) just popped out of nowhere and just said "So when is Jacob's baptism?" Kinda caught me by surprise but we hopped on it super fast because we could never get a solid time to talk with jackie. So we filled out the baptismal form and now he's getting baptized this week on saturday! So prayers up for homeboy.

   Another service project we did throughout this week involved cutting down some trees. So I just sharpened my machete and and went home. It was until later that I realised that I just pissed off a colony of fire ants. And with the arm holding the branch in place they swarmed me. Lots and lots of these burning bites just shooting into my arm. After dancing around and slapping them off, I called it quits. Ran to the car and slammed some meds to kill the pain and just sat there. Arm on fire and welts starting to appear. Just praying the pain would subside long enough for the meds to hit. After about 30ish minutes the meds finally came to and I decided I just needed a nap. And when I woke up, my arm was covered in blisters from the bites. So now I've got to keep it wrapped so I don't break the blisters or get any dirt in it because thats all that's in the wind is just dirt.

    We should be getting a truck soon and I could not be more hyped. Its gonna be a 2024 Toyota Tacoma. I can't wait to be up off the ground and have an engine bigger than a 1.6 i4. Have some real bed space as well.

   Im kinda getting along with cox but he still pisses me off a lot... he mumbles all the time and gets mad when I don't hear him. He just expects me to know what he's thinking and if it isn't his way it isn't the right way. Long story short. He's enjoyable when he isn't being annoying, telling the same story for the ninth time that day, treating me like I know nothing about the gospel, in a one on one situation, talking about anyone or home or acting like my opinions and experience don't mean anything. We'll get there

    Saturday night, Cox is bugging me about Magic the Gathering questions when I'm just trying to eat and go to bed when I hear a knock at the door. Which is super weird because it's like 10:10 at the time and any missionary should be home. So Cox goes to open it and the person behind the door peaks there head through the glass and says "Only Duncan can open this door." What. So I open the door ready to smoke whoever is on the other side and there he is. Elder Powell. We'll now he is Kevin but he came down and visited the mission and I got to talk to his family as well and planned out a snowboarding trip this winter and it was such a release from the stresses of this transfer but it was such an awesome opportunity to see him again.

   Well that was my week, apparently Utah is flooding and that sounds like a butt ton of fun. Keep me updated on yall's life I need some distractions to read up on.


   Okay I love yall take care

         -El Mapache