Villain Arc.

Transfer calls. Whats gonna happen. Ill tell you what. I don't get to stay in the same spot for more than 6 weeks. Even worse I'm going to the EXACT SAME AREA I was in 4 ½ months ago.
It's probably been the worst series of events ever now. First off. I got kinda sick, running a fever and feeling super ache-y and all of our friends who promised us super hard they would come to church decided to go ghost mode and make sunday sucky. So sunday was already a cut to the side. As I'm feeling super bummed out we get home to end out the night excited that at least tomorrow we can go to the beach with Allred for the last time, we get a text in the zone chat saying... "hop on the call ASAP". What could they possibly want at 10:15? We hop on and everything starts to fall apart. "Ladies and Gentlemen! President has made the last minute decision to have us all come down to McAllen for a mission wide P-day because we all did so great baptizing!" What. Like I know it's awesome that we all baptized 150 people in a month but what sucks is I know have to wake up an hour earlier than I would on a Pday and drive for 3 hours down to McAllen. So the next morning we get on the road and I'm the only one who was willing to drive down so with my sleep deprived and sick body. We make the drive. It was fun to see everyone but it wasn't worth it. We, after burning ourselves out afterwards, make the drive home. 3 more hours. We get home late and had time for absolutely nothing. At least Tonight we can get transfer calls and know if I'm training or not. Because we have 26 missionaries coming in so my chances are up there. Night rolls around and nothing. Once again. Rolled over. After about 8 transfers of asking/begging to train. I think I'm done asking. Terry gets a call and he's gonna be a district leader which is sick. Then we get transfer calls. I'm leaving... back to the same spot. E1A. I was just there. Why. On top of that I've been put with a companion who is a shmole. (Someone who makes up rules and refuses to have fun as a missionary.) Why. Skip forward a little bit after trying to recover from my sickness, transfer day comes. I'm wearing my flip flops so I would have shoes on for the whole car ride and once I get out of the car they tell everyone to gather in the gym to hype up the greenies. After some yelling and some hyping, president calls me into his office to talk about my sandals. Come on man. He asks if I even want to be here and this huge rant about how productivity is getting low and tells me I can switch on a service mission in an instant. #1 why would I do that. #2 I've been stuck in the north where progress almost never happens. #3 You keep moving me every transfer so when I make progress it all gets washed out and the next missionaries have to start over. #4 every time I get transferred I get anxious then I get sick. #5 I lose motivation after going to areas i've already been in because I just left there. Now he's talking to me about how I'm irresponsible for not telling them everytime I get sick. When THEY NEVER RESPOND TO MY MESSAGES WHEN I DO! Plus If I message them everytime I get sick they're gonna think something is wrong with me and they're gonna send me home. So after I told them all of that I was pretty frustrated. So now they're debating if I should be out due to my health which is weird because ITS ALL COMING FROM ME MOVING EVERY FETCHING TRANSFER.
Prez is now my opp. I don't want to go home but he's actually talking about it and I'm super mad.
My comp is dumb. He keeps making up rules that don't exist. Won't let me take naps. And is just mega annoying. He expects me to just read his mind and know what he's doing and gets frustrated when I dont.
Pray for me. I'm legitimately going insane. :)