Week 3

Week 3


I arrived at the MTC and it was terrifying, I got to meet my companions in person and it felt good to actually see a familiar face here and not being dropped off then having to fight for my entire existence and sanity. But all in all the first day flew and we all unpacked (I'm still not unpacked) but we caught up a little bit before we went to a welcome devotional and I got called to read something and I was still pretty reserved and didn't want to talk so I read quietly but I accidently read in a deeper voice than normal. Or my customer service voice I like to call it. But not a good move because now everyone wants to know how low my voice goes...
Thursday I woke up in a cold sweat and I still don't know why but it's not very fun. Elder Frei likes to keep this room absolutely freezing, but elder Waldo and I hate it so we made a compromise and we all sleep comfy now. Today was the first day of real class we had an entire class in only Spanish! Its pretty swag but muy dificil at the same time. But I can string together basic phrases and make some very broken conversations in Spanish but the point is still coming across.


Nothing wild happened on Friday but elder Frei found his favorite word which is ¡GUAU! And we're all just one happy family who eat together all the time and we can only speak Spanish in the T4 building to each other. Its all coming together but general conference is tomorrow and I've got a couple questions for the whole event.


Conference is today! I woke up sick this morning and I feel like I'm gonna munt anything I eat. But just keep on stomping forward. It still sucked but we got to and watch conference which was super swag and I drew lots of robots but I took some good notes. Still pretty sick I thought it was just morning anxiety... SPEAKING OF ANXIETY, the stupid meds I take for my anxiety are nasty and make me feel like I'm gonna munt. It's so bad. During the second sessions last prayer I got a nose bleed and had to leave so I didn't bleed all over my new suit. That would have been a pain. But that first session was so swag.


Conference was pretty good all though I am still super sick if not worse today and I almost fell asleep during conference which is really bad because I never take naps so... tengo mucho sueno. It's so mentally draining as well because I can't just scream and jump to destimulate. It's almost like I need to grow up now and take care of myself normally


. We had an addition to our group because her district isn't here yet and she had to get dropped off early. So welcome Hermana Smith


YO I JUST SAW UCHTDORF!! In person not in conference. I was walking back to my room after personal and language study and this guy is holding a door and says "if you see anyone famous just keep walking" I was thinking to myself aight so this dudes a prankster that's funny. So I walked in and there he was. Walking with his wife's arm in his. I felt as if I were looking at Jesus and I knew if I touched his suit I would have seen the whole world and it's secrets. But alas I did not, I was the only one in my district to see him but the elders next door got to shake his hand. I would be jealous but that's not christ like. So I'll take what I got but if you haven't even seen an apostle then let me tell you. The spirit radiating from this person is wild.


Tuesday was a SUPER slow day but we got a devotional and our special speaker was Sister Yee the second counselor of the relief society presidency. Es muy chido. She had some super sweet insights and it was very swag. Still super sick but it's aight


One week Broski and it's so wild. I've learned so much Spanish and gotten so much closer to my district and everyone around me including other districts and neighbors. We got to go to the temple today and it was a great experience. Although I almost threw up I got to see sister Fox which was super cool. We've just been chatting, playing games and doing laundry all day. Nothing really happened besides that but I have been noticing the hand of God all the times and all the little blessings. So far so good