Week 4

ThursdayI am still sick but that's alright because today was slow and nothing really happened. I just talked to the elders next door and had a baller time.
FridayToday was pretty weird, I'm still sick but it's normal at this point. but we met some super crazy hermanas while playing volleyball and they have earned the name, Las Locas Hermanas. They thought it was so cool they have a spanish nickname but one of them eventually found it out and thought it was funny but she didn't tell the others what it really meant. The days are all fusing together and I don't know the day anymore. Today was a super fun day tho because we played hacky sack with the elders next door for about 2 hours, we got pretty good at it but the longer we played the more we started to drain mentally and everything just started to fall apart from there. Every single thing was just super funny and Elder Larsen started to run the funniest serpentine maneuver I have ever seen and we all just died laughing for a solid 10 minutes after that. best thing ever. After our punch drunk stage we then combined all of our ladders onto a bunk bed to make a prison cell and called it the joseph smith experience. I love my elders so much.
SaturdayTomorrow is Pascua! Las Locas are still pretty fun but one of them scares me a lot, Hermana Johnson. She has too much energy and is just kinda loud. but so am I, so who am I to judge? match made in heaven. two insane and mentally ill people. Apparently Her and her companion live not too far from my house in orem so we're gonna be homies after the mish and bool. but not too much is happening still. definitely sick but it's aight.
SundayFeliz Pascua mi amigos! I'm still sick but it's aight. Today was so so rad and we got to listen to 3 devotionals and sing for a general authority. Do I remember the song, lol no. was it so ebic and chido, si! The devotionals really helped me gain better insight on missionary work and on the gospel entirely. We also watched the Testament which I haven't seen since I was prolly 5 and it was a trip watching it again and actually understanding it this time instead of only watching it because that's the only thing I could watch on sunday. But it was an o so swag day. I got a package from my family and it had the ugliest Unicorn in it that I have ever seen.
MondayStill Sick! WAHOOOOO. We got to spend some time with the Las Locas and their entire district. That was probably the most fun I've had in a while (disregarding hacky sack with the elders) but it's so depresso because they all leave tomorrow morning at around 3, same with the elders next door so now we have no friends. But we traded ties and became spidermen. and said our goodbyes.... muy triste. Elder Larsen (the neighbor not my companion) and I become super tight homies and we made a promise to be best friends after the mish. Same with Las Locas but not as serious, only regular friends. But Hermana Johnson did want to come and get a picture before she left, I don't have it because it's on her digital camera so I'm just waiting til she transfers them over so I can get them. I know it's super lame. but we will bool later, for now I'm doing the lord's work. Besides doing classes everyday there really isn't a whole lot that changes in the day.
Tuesday. HOLY CRAP BRO! Guess who just talked for our devotional!? You probably didn't guess or even try so that's alright, but blessings to those who tried. It was Elder Neil L. Andersen!! His devotional was so swag and we got to sing for him. Do I remember that song either. lol no. OH Elder Larsen knows it was come ye children of the lord. but with that super awesome moment there has to be a low spot in all of this. Our neighbors are gone and we are alone. no more talking until the last minute in the hallway and no hacky sack or crazy stories or climbing on things. muy triste yo se. but hey. That's what happens and that's life. Another thing we figured out. With Hermana Johnson gone her district is not as loud anymore more so maybe it was just her... Solo una Locisima Hermana. everyone mellowed out after the hyper one left. which I get but it was weird to hear them talking normally and not yelling...
WednesdayDude, why am I still sick. I'm not as sick but definitely not healthy. When I cough hard I get a little bit of blood in the mix. but it's not too much of a problem to stop the day. Speaking of not stopping the day I wasn't feeling good enough for endowments or initiatories so we did baptisms. you will never believe who Elder Larsen was baptised for. Mister Ferrari. That was the name exactly. they didn't give a first name only a title and a last name and the year of birth matches up with Enzo Ferrari. Yeah dude. Enzo just got baptized because of some missionaries who were too sick to hold still for 2 hours. but man p days are so relaxing I love it.