Welcome to LOB city!

Transfer calls come and the anticipation is high. Where am I going, am I gonna stay in Rockport for a 4th? No. I'm going to Weslaco! The Land of Baptisms! The highest baptizing area in the mission! I am beyond hyped!
Today I have received another knife. This thing is huge and totally just a dangerous weapon. I'm so glad I have so many weapons :).
I caught a firefly!
I lost my wallet so that was real spoopy.
Transfer calls come and I'm going with Elder Turner to Pharr 2C in Weslaco Zone. Our little spot is a biking area that goes into downtown McAllen and it's gonna be epic!
Today we went to the McAllen open house with one of our friends which was definitely an experience because he has dementia so we got the same 4 stories multiple times and every time he told the stories somehow more and more swear words were dropped into them. He's a fun guy. I did however get to see Hermana Pollard (she's from the MTC) which was super sick. You feel a lot less lonely seeing a familiar face.
Just taking in my final day with Elder Powell he was super fun and with that I said goodbye to LouAnn. It makes me so sad to see her like this. She really didn't want me to go and she told me multiple times to ask for an extension in the area.
Transfer days? Uh yeah. We got to see the temple again today and you just can't get sick of it ever. It's an amazing experience and I can't wait til it's dedicated by Uchtdorf. It's gonna be so sick.
I got to see everyone at transfers and that was so nice to see real people still exist and not just vatos who kick you away off their doorstep. After we got all settled in we went over to Taco Palenque and got some banger carne and I ordered entirely in spanish without even thinking. Kinda funky.

We biked around 20 miles today. My legs hurt so bad because Elder Turner rides super fast like 25 MPH constantly. And my lil white boy legs can't keep up.
After getting home after a long hot and sweaty day I get home and it turns out we are actually in a 4 man. Do you know how amazing it is to see real people all the time. And once again I am ADL so that means more meetings and jacking other people for not having good schedules or not working hard enough.

Today we had District Council which was super nice to meet everyone and get to talk and go over how the zone is doing and how we can better improve. Once we finished with all this though we got some banger Mexican food for free at this one place because this dude just loves the missionaries so much so none of the 8 of us paid for our food. So we might have to hit that place up again another time hahaha.
Another huge thing! The car culture here is built not bought and I'm seeing so many sick builds down here and so many awesome cars instead of dodges with factory bumper guards.
We met some dude who's name is vampire so we keep a good distance from him and don't invite him into your home.
I am in so much physical pain.
This week is just cooking by bro. My ACL is starting to act up again so that's really bringing up some concerns. Same with my lungs so I gotta get that checked out. I was so exhausted and hurt I didn't even want to cook so I got 2 corn dogs and a slushee from the gas station for like 3.50 or something but it was worth it. People here are actually nice. They won't flip you off or call you a cult or some brainwashed idiot. Here they honk at you and wave and smile so brightly! Definitely a nice change of pace.
Sunday was a good break. Something I definitely needed. Definitely going through some anxiety paralysis tho when it comes to talking in puro spanish and making small talk. I hate that part.
Some members invited us over for a Sunday meal and they said to bring some other missionaries so we took Elder Dutson (dutty) and Taylor and we got to have a relaxing Sunday, eat some Carne and exchange stories and have a good time.
A lot of people have had experiences where they have seen Jesus and thats amazing for them I'm glad they have seen that and want to change. One super strange and weird coincidence is that ever single one of them have either been using drugs, have been drunk or are schizophrenic. So if that's what it takes to recieve revelation and not through prayer. I may need to try something different.
I made it to Pday and I'm so glad. I'm surviving. Elder Larsen (my MTC Comp) taught me how to play magic the gathering and its so much simpler than yu gi oh. Super fun game. Elder Turner (my current comp) also really enjoys yu gi oh so we play almost every night and it's so much fun! Also I finally talked to Prez about my medical conditions and what I should do so tomorrow I should be getting a call and figuring it all out

I love you all, please stay safe and pray.