Well at least I'm not dead

Bienvewelcome chamaquitos
Well it's been a minute since we've last talked. I haven't found much motivation to write in my emails but I feel impressed to write again.
Starting off where we last ended, I was just about to hit my 11 month mark. And now yesterday was my year mark. It's all moving by so fast. I'm on transfer 8 and my sisters go home in 3 transfers and that's just insane to me.
Bishop and I also baptized two more people, Jhony and Marjorie. Very funky spellings but amazing people none the less
I'm no longer in Weslaco with Elder Bishop and my district of 8 elders. I got moved over to Edinburg which is still in the valley but about 40 min north of Donna. I mean this new area is fun we've got some hype friends. Some of which are getting baptized on Saturday so keep an eye on my Google photos for Claudia and her grandson Dylan. Claudia just has a desire to find the truth and is a very down to earth person. And Dylan. Oh boy is he awesome! He loves video games and has all of the lessons we taught him down by memory which is wild.
I found a guitar and electric keyboard in the new apartment so I've been practicing a couple of spanish songs just to help me hold my sanity and keep my brain fresh
My comp on the other hand is not so lit. It's been a rough 4 weeks and possibly 8 more to go which is going to suck. He is a walking ick that is the best way to put it. He just doesn't work at all really. Like I'd be okay if my comp was a punk-a kid who we didn't get along with if he just worked still. But nope, super super socially awkward and just MEGA lazy. I've basically been a solo missionary for about a month. It's very frustrating, he loves talking about home, dinner and home home. No matter what I say he can't stay focused. The funny thing about this is that before the transfer my dad prayed for me to have patience. I lOvE wHeN pRaYeRs ArE aNsWeReD! Even trying to play board games are mad annoying. The teaching is awesome! The companion = bummy. It doesn't help that this is my first time being senior comp and I'm the oldest one in the district.
I got the magic the gathering fallout decks that I've been waiting for since September which is super mega hype I've been able to play with those a little bit. And I can't wait to bug everyone back home with the cards and forcing them to play. I know Jappy (Jasper) has been practicing a little so every once in a while when I call we will play a game over the phone which is super lit. And Ian as well I had the chance to play with him which was supa supa hype. I'm just glad I can be friends with brothers.
Also another fun fact one of my recent converts died. If yall remember about a year ago I wrote a few times about a man by the name of Mike Palder who is this frail old man who unfortunately passed away a little bit ago and I didn't figure out until recently. He was crushed by a gate he was setting up and as he was unconscious his many annoying little dogs ate his feet because no one had fed them in a while.
While on this subject back home my Grandpa passed away. It was a very big hit that I didn't process for a while and then going through some old pictures and videos it hit like a truck. I wasn't ready to let him leave. We weren't on the best of terms but he was still fun I just couldn't talk to him for more than 5 minutes. But now those 5 minutes are all I want. But knowing that he is in the spirit world teaching the gospel and working by my side is very comforting and I hope I can bring the same reassurance to the people I teach.
I haven't really been talking at all this transfer and I've just been mega depressed. Just because my comp drives me insane I've just been staying quiet whenever we are in the car or at home. I might need to request an ET because I can't do this for another transfer.
Well that's pretty much the jist of it. I still haven't trained yet but I will let yall know when that does happen.
Best of regards.
The Milla