Whoops sorry guys

Well there is no way I'm gonna miss 2 weeks in a row. Everything is just super repetitive and I don't want to bore yall with it. It's the same crap different day type beat.
The only super big thing is that we baptized 2 people and they are now awesome members of the Church. So shout outs to Sebastián y Jesús

More souls saved means happy God
I was able to get some good calls in with my family and help my mom and dad look for Christmas presents for my brothers. So Jappy and Ian, yall don't even read these so we got you guys some presents that you will like. You actually thought I would be dumb enough to tell you. Get pranked. Anyways there really isn't much I can do presents wise because I'm still in the U S of A. And all the things that could be presents are just cheap PO's so hopefully I find something epic.
This transfer is only a 5 week transfer with Thanksgiving so I'm almost up to transfer 6. Also on the 13th I'll hit my year mark and then I will be ⅓ of the way done with my mission. Time is freakin flying out here. I'm also almost 20. Hopefully next transfer I train

. I really just want to be a dad.
Health update cause yall be wondering. I have a doctors appt for the 9th to get an ECHO done then I'll know if I'm dying or not. I've been having chest pains for almost 4 days straight now so we just gotta see what it all turns out to be. Hopefully it's minor and I can continue to serve but it really ain't feeling like that.
My companion Elder Sweeney is super epic and reminds me of my #1 Homie Chazz Crook so it's like a fake slice of home. It's a nice break from awkward silence.
That's pretty much everything for me I guess, don't die and keep living
Here are my photos If yall want em