You drink what?

Oh my goodness let me start off by saying the anxiety is awful but it's cleaeing up I'm doing so much better.
TuesdayTuesday my beard was coming in darker than usual so I had to shave my beard and take care of all of that. Today was SUPER slow. All of our appointments fell through and we decided to push back our dinner today because we didn't have a dinner appointment and we wanted to find people. So we get to the last three roads of the day about 20 houses total and we just were so lost with who to talk to so we decided to pray. Immediately I got an answer saying I would find our elect person only if I knocked every door. How cool is that? So I went out with my confidence back up and I knocked every door on that road and....! Nothing. No one answered. So we decided to hit up the next street and we just felt bad about that one. So we did the last. Again we felt we needed to knock everything so we started going. Elder Petersons foot was acting up and he was pretty hungry, I mean I was too but souls need saving you know. Finally we get to the very last house and we are right on the front door and I hear the holy ghost tell me, "not this one". I was confused because I was told that if I knock every door we'd find our person but no one has answered. But I decided to not take it with a grain of salt and I turned around ready to end the day. BUT! Right as we turned around we notice someone walking and immediately I knew, this was our person. So we ended up walking about 2.5 miles with this guy and we set up an RA and it feels great. And Robert is a super cool dude with ambitions to travel the world and learn everything and just find himself. How perfect is that.
Wednesday Today we had a zone RP and I felt I did pretty good practicing my missionary skills. My confidence is definitely finding its footing now. During that meeting we had personal meetings with Presidente which went smoothly. My spanish feels so good, there are some problems I have with just conjugation and grammar but for the most part it feels awesome. I've taught some lessons in spanish and I'm passing up some elders who have been speaking spanish for 3 times as long. Anyways. I saw some WICKED cars and man they just keep getting better. Some dude at the gas station tried to preach to us and convince him to join his church but I shut him down with his crazy questions with Josi's Missionary pal again. Man that thing is useful. And to end the day we had an encounter with a Karen in a whataburger who ordered mayo but didn't get the exact amount she wanted so she threw a fit and called corporate Yada Yada Yada.
ThursdayI've been waiting to play for a fat minute and today was our mission wide conference. We got to see everyone and play games and gave some banging burgers. It was so nice to see everyone again and meet new people. But dude the humidity sucked. It was 80⁰ with 90% humidity. I was dying. Oh also I forgot to mention that this meeting was a 6 hour drive both ways... so we had to be up at the butt crack of dawn to get there on time. But on the car ride home I saw a coin pusher in one of the gas stations and we messed with that for a while. I know gambling is bad so we played and made a 400% return with our quarters but again we can't gamble so we gave all the coins to the other elders who got there so they could play. Let's hope they did the same. And let me tell you holy crap it's so satisfying just seeing all the coins fall and putting them right back in. It truly itches my soul.
FridayI found a cocoon, brought it home and hatched a butterfly. How cool is that. But dude today was so freaking weird. So let me ask a few questions before we start. Will a WWE superstar read the book of mormon and kiss a 60 year old man? Will you drink blood? Is anything real or is it just a simulation (not as a joke)? Are dinosaurs fallen angels? And do you REALLY need a tetanus shot if a rusty nail goes through your foot? Well. I can only truly answer 2 of those. Let's start with our friend, we'll call him Richard for privacy reasons. Anyways Richard has been going on and on about his new girlfriend who I was pretty interested in because this man is in his high 60's and just isn't the sharpest razor in the box. But the way he tells the stories are with truth. This man cannot lie. And apparently his girlfriend is Liv Morgan the WWE superstar and he went to a match and gave her a book of mormon. She kissed him, then she had to go to the hospital because she was so badly injured. Also keep in mind this Chica is in her early 30's or late 20's. Next story is with Olaf. We were having trouble trying to find people then this kid walks up to us and asks if he can talk. We haven't seen nobody in a whole so of course we're down. He just wanted to bash... but one question that has stuck with me is. "You guys drink blood right?" What. Come on. What! Even if we were supposed in our church that is so freaking nasty and unsanitary. Eventually I shut him down with the missionary pal book again and we haven't heard from him since.Also our friend Robert. We had an RA with him and we just wanted to talk and see where he was because he's said he has talked to his cousins who are LDS and he was a spiritual person. But during our conversation he hits a point that just (and I feel bad) made me laugh out loud. He says that angels are winged serpants right. And fallen angels lose there wings. And the Bible talks about dragons and jazz. That means fallen angels were dinosaurs. And the he goes to talk about Venus, the morning star and quetzlquatl and he just went on a tangent. And apparently this man genuinely believes we're In a simulation which isn't good for my mental health I've been struggling as is please don't give real evidence to why that is true. But man this guy had some great questions.Alright final one for this day. Our friend in the branch called us and asked for help and blessing and I was able to bless her. so cool! But she was saying she didn't need to get a tetanus shot because she was soaking her foot in Epsom salt and was using essential oils. This place is weird dude.
Saturday Nothing really happened, we kind of just laughed about what happened yesterday and talked about what we'd do that day. So we went to go find the local flee market and contact there but turns out we missed it by 20 minutes

. We went to the harbor and took a breather and just prayed and pondered for a bit. Later in the day we went and checked on another person in our branch. She has 30 cats. Need I say more. But tomorrow is Sunday and u can't wait. Fun fact I also have a watch tan. So where my which is is now baby butt cheek white
Sunday!Man I'm learning to really love Sundays. The kids in the branch are no longer afraid of the 6'3 ginger anymore and they BEG me to come and teach their classes now. They're so much fun I love them. We came home for some lunch and I made some French toast with honey in the egg mix which was actually super swag. But for our meal tonight we used a ferry to cross the bay and get to the island where we'd be eating. I saw a Dolphin! It was so cool. Also something I forget to mention. For the past week I've been saying the pledge of allegiance to every single American flag I see... and I'm in Texas keep in mind.
MondayP-DayToday we've got to go around and so some shopping which was so so swag and we finally found the new MTN DEW flavor. It is so freaking good. Mountain dew summer freeze

. Tonight we have branch fhe and the kids are always insane so let's see how tonight goes. Wish me luck. I love yall, and do be afraid to email me a quick HI. I want to hear from yall. But stay safe and I'll update you muchachos In a week.
My read head twin as well don't forget about Elder Zolinger